meganyntan's reviews
323 reviews

Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff

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idk i debated between 4 or 5 stars for this one. i can acknowledge that some of this book was just ?_? but overall i really enjoyed the story despite how predictable it was at the end lol
The Wonder Engine by T. Kingfisher

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i really enjoyed this duology and will be picking up other books set in this world.

highlights of this duology:
- witty banter
- dry/sarcastic humor
- a sweet will they/wont they romance
- fun adventure
- a world where they openly shit on misogyny
- fun characters with depth who are generally "good" people (kind of), character growth
- a great final battle
- it made me laugh out loud
- it made me cry and i feel like books that make me cry are doing something right bc i feel at least some attachment to them

- this didn't need to be two books lol but i'm just being picky - the first one would've felt unsatisfying to read on its own
- i feel like i would've really appreciated a map (it wasn't hard to follow without)
Spoilerrip brenner

i honestly needed a quick fun read after finishing two darker/heavier trilogies and this really hit the spot. the writing was very down to earth, easy to read, and straight forward. it was fast-paced but didn't feel rushed. i could definitely see myself rereading these and will probably buy them at some point in the future.

i honestly don't know how my rating system works anymore but i'm gonna do it based off of enjoyment and not "literary merit" or whatever so i guess this gets 5* (idk if that's bc it rly just hit the spot for what i was looking for)
Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven

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grace draven is a good writer and it shows. i enjoyed this book and will be picking up the sequel (not sure what's gonna happen tho bc this wrapped up nicely and had an air of finality)

what i liked:
- competent characters with flaws
- interesting premise
- good writing

what i didn't like:
- fantasy books without maps should be a crime
- didn't feel like the characters had completely believable chemistry? it was slow burn for most of the book and then straight into an "i love you" declaration. we do see Gilene warming up to Azarion and him seeing her as less of a tool and more of a person but eh not that believable imo
- in that same vein: how Azarion treated her and it's all just kinda brushed aside

this book def dragged in the middle, which was a little disappointing after starting with a bang but i'm sure i'd complain also if it was just all fast-paced plot and no world building. i acknowledge it can be hard to get the right ratio and the author made a decent attempt and it wasn't too jarring for me

Crystal Caged by Elise Kova

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i was not a huge fan of the direction the series took after book 3 and definitely prefer the Air Awakens series.

overall, i enjoyed the world this was set in and will be picking up [b:A Trial of Sorcerers|53697329|A Trial of Sorcerers (A Trial of Sorcerers, #1)|Elise Kova||84015218] when the series is complete.

the first 3 books were interesting and the plot had me hooked, however that just petered out after the third book. it was worth reading because i adored the bonus scene but i don't think this series should be read just for that. i feel like this book just didn't live up to my expectations after Air Awakens as a whole, both plot-wise and character-wise.

i don't know if i'm biased just because i prefer the predecessor series or what, but here are my ratings of the series overall:
books 1-3: 3.5 stars
book 4: 2 stars
book 5: 3 stars

Crush by Tracy Wolff

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i got bullied into skimming reading this one too (yes sammy actually bullied this time)

i'm dnf'ing it at 65% and you bitches can't convince me otherwise (looking at you miro and sammy) (you too jill)
A Heart of Blood and Ashes by Milla Vane

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I mean the book was okay but they spent 90% of the book riding horses, sleeping, talking while riding horses, and talking while preparing to sleep and for w h a t
There were so many characters, places, gods, etc. that it was kinda hard to keep up with? Esp since this damn book didn't have a map
All of the lore and shit was introduced but not really fleshed out and tbh at the end of the book I didn't really know all of the characters
The plot wrapped up too quickly and wasn't completely satisfying and the main conflict didn't really get resolved?? Like sure Maddek got revenge but what happens after p l s