meganyntan's reviews
323 reviews

The Queen's Rising by Rebecca Ross

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Did not finish book.
honestly idk where this book went nor do i care to read it anymore so ~on hiatus
The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang

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well i didn't expect this book to make me cry but
Spoilerrip the cike

i absolutely loved that the consequences of rin's actions sure came back to bite her in the ass, but it was interesting to see how she dealt with everything.

i loved watching the characters' relationships developed and am really happy at how most of it turned out.

this was honestly a 5* read for me up until a certain point where it just felt like it dragged... although i will say that the first 18% of this book convinced me that i will be buying this trilogy unless the last book is trash lol. tentative 4.5* rounded up?
Crave by Tracy Wolff

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I read this for shits and giggles so I can't rly say much except it was an absolute dumpster fire I expected and I sure do hate myself
Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee

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i'm not allowed to post a review until 2 weeks before pub date but what the fuck fonda lee just rip out my heart why don't you
Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney

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i had high hopes for this book since i liked [b:Conversations with Friends|32187419|Conversations with Friends|Sally Rooney||52827120] and was okay with [b:Normal People|41057294|Normal People|Sally Rooney||59141209] (which seems to be an overall unpopular opinion lol)

what i liked
- sally rooney's writing definitely matured since her previous two books which i can appreciate
- the attempt at exploring sex, friendship, romantic relationships, and familial relationships (key word: attempt)

what i disliked:
- the characters were trite, vapid, unlikable, and unrelatable. idk if i'm just a different person now because i know people had this issue w/ conversations with friends but it was just so jarring in this book
- while there was an attempt at exploring different relationships, i felt like it was done in a way that lacked any depth whatsoever. the relationships/friendships between all the characters were so damn shallow and i couldn't bring myself to care
- i feel like sally tried to write herself into alice and there was such a "woe is me i'm a millionaire author but my life sucks because i'm Flawed" and it was just so pretentious lol
- i'm usually okay with plotless books if they have other merits but this was not it

i kept reading bc i was waiting for this book to redeem itself somehow but fuck me i guess
Beautiful Country by Qian Julie Wang

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idk whether to give this 4 or 5 stars but it's at least a strong 4.5
it made me reflect, feel grateful towards my parents, and really rethink my privilege lol
i can definitely see parallels between my life and qian's but it also showed me how my life could've been so different and that i rly gotta learn to appreciate what i have
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan

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whoever marketed this as a likeness to the song of achilles deserves jail lol.
it's more like mulan meets the poppy war except comparing it to the poppy war is honestly a disservice to that series because i loved it.
lesbian mulan meets the poppy war should really tick all my boxes in theory but i hated this book and it really fell flat.

zhu chongba was just a shittier rin with no personality and the burning god spoiler
Spoilerzhu also loses a hand wow!
everyone describes zhu as ruthless but she was just so boring and really did nothing to demonstrate that
idk why the author of this book thought it was okay to use the names chaghan and altan which were also used in the poppy war. like just one giant fucking eyeroll lol

the pacing of this book was also terrible, i feel like it started off strong at the monastery and zhu chongba's past and then as soon as she left the monastery the story went to shit. i feel like there was just absolutely no plot.

the only thing this book does marginally well is an exploration of gender roles and vaguely sexuality but i feel like it was just pushed aside for some shitty battle scenes that barely made sense and a plotless story