meganyntan's reviews
323 reviews

Resurrection by Siobhan Davis

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For why would someone write smut about high schoolers lol age them up like 10 years this felt criminal
The Alchemists of Loom by Elise Kova

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everyone that told me to read this loved it but i didn't but i'm also depressed so who knows
Reign by Siobhan Davis

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This shit is trash but also more addicting than coke
I was barely kissing boys in high school lol I'm never reading anything about high schoolers again
Rebellion by Siobhan Davis

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Sure feel like I'm gonna go to jail but I aged everyone up like 10 years my head so
Priest by Sierra Simone

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If I walked into a church I would spontaneously combust. I wish my Catholic school priest could see me now
Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff

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September 27
i sure do love jay kristoff's brand of edgelord fantasy but for a book inspired by french, l'utilisation des accents aigus et des accents graves était fucking weird

August 7

i wish i had a full version of this but i only have the 400 page sampler so i'm not going to give it a rating bc i could end up hating the rest of it lol who knows

this book has a v similar edgy aesthetic from nevernight and i am 10000% here for it

i really enjoy jay kristoff's ability to tell a story and here he's telling a story within a story and i absolutely fucking love it. the story has some jumps in time but i didn't find it confusing or jarring

i feel like this book just ticked so many things for me. even if they are kind of tropey and cliche, it's done in a way that doesn't bother me at all. i love the grumpy mentors, underdog come up, and morally grey characters.

i feel like gabriel had some really relateable and meaningful dialogue that just added so much depth to his character and i'm dying to know what happens to him and all the other characters

honestly i was expecting more bloodsmut lol but i guess that will have to wait until next month
The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson

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i love that brandon sanderson has written a fantasy with a world and magic system that has not once made me feel dumb and i overall enjoyed this book and the world but some things just rubbed me the wrong way

- this book just jerks off elend about how he's THE BEST MAN and he's SO GOOD just bc he's idealistic and wants to do the "right thing" like ok pls i get it he's trying to be a good king but at the same time how can he just be like "boohoo i don't want anyone to see me get beaten by a girl" and still be the best man lol
- i didn't mind elend in the first book but i feel more ambivalent towards him now than anything? at the most. i also just don't get how vin went from hugging him at the end of the first book to being proposed to before the second book even happened like i just feel like i missed something?
- there were so many good characters wasted and killed off and FOR WHAT i feel like dockson and clubs had so much more potential. the kandra just kinda fucked off and never came back even though that story line was "wrapped up" in the end, i still feel like it was missing something
- edited to add that they rly gave zane the YA villain treatment?? like how did he randomly decide he loved vin lol 4y

idk why i'm whining and bitching about it bc i think i did overall enjoy the book and do intend to read the last one
Black Water Sister by Zen Cho

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idk like 2.5 stars
weird pacing, the story was vaguely interesting but def dragged, and i didn't gaf about the characters