meganyntan's reviews
323 reviews

Intercepted by Alexa Martin

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the MC was dumb as bricks and the MMC all but turned me into a misandrist
The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James

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well lol idr the last time i really liked a thriller but the story and "twist" was just lackluster and gotta love that they threw in a romance subplot in the last 4 paragraphs
Fortuna Sworn by K.J. Sutton

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2.5 stars
if i took a shot for every time the word "mate" was used i'd have died of alcohol poisoning
Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson

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These books are fine but it pisses me off the Elend got a whole ass city named after him, Spook gets shit named after him, and all Vin got was a gun named after her and it's not even well known or anything. Why does Sanderson just hate women
Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison

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I just fuck dead girls

I haven't been compelled to write a real review in so long but this one just fucked my shit up. The contents of this novella were absolutely vile and disgusting but the story was told in a way that was so gripping that I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting. The imagery was so vivid and descriptive and for a book about fucking dead girls and eating babies, I was surprised that it made me laugh out loud so many times.

At the heart of it, it was just a fucked up love story about two depraved people and I ate it up.

I expected this book to make me feel sick or disgusted so idk maybe I'm fucked in the head. And no I don't want to eat dead babies or fuck dead bodies
Woom by Duncan Ralston

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eh i saw that reveal coming from a mile away but the ending sure was unexpected fucked up
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

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trauma bonding is probably my favorite hobby but like at the same time this just didn't do it for me?? strong meh throughout the whole thing and FOR WHY was that the ending
Quäl das Fleisch by Monica J. O'Rourke

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From all the extreme horror I've been reading recently this one takes the cake and not in a good way. Good to know I'm still slightly sane