melaninuncorkedbc's reviews
146 reviews

The One by John Marrs

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So before I started this book, one of my Book Club members was talking about this book and stated it was A LOT going on. So many characters and so much going on left me apprehensive on reading it. I heard there was a Netflix series on this, and books are usually better than shows/movies so I gave it a try.

In the beginning, I was like nope. This isn’t it. The chapters were so small, had the anticipation of getting to know the character taking too long for my liking. I truly appreciate John Marrs work of art so I kept going. And I’m so happy I did. I was drawn to each character and slowly appreciated the build up. I didn’t want to skip to the name I drew to the most, I simply just didn’t want to put the book down. Definitely looking forward to the Netflix series. And I’m super happy I got to pick the authors brain when he joined our Book Club meeting Nov 2020. It allowed me to appreciate his work even more.
The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory

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Wow, I don’t normally read romance novels - but they may be a new fave. I usually cry during sappy movies - but never while reading books. I was rooting for them all the way. And though the book was semi-predictable once they fully connected after the wedding, it was still several plot twists to keep you turning the page. So a couple months ago, I ordered part 5, not knowing it was part 5. Then when someone told me, I said I had to get all of the books. So I just started this a day ago, and finished tonight. It was definitely a page turner, and I wanted to know what happened after I closed the book for a few. Would highly recommend for my romance lovers and non romance lovers. Maybe you’d realize you like this genre too.