minimallibrary's reviews
216 reviews

A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard

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really cute story. any time disability and mental illness is represented in a respectful way, with an honest and open conversation about the two subjects is always a win. the most positive takeaway is that any step no matter how small it may seem is always a positive. i just believe i would've enjoyed it more when i was younger.
Words from a Wanderer by Alexandra Elle

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nicely written set of poems about self love and loving others. i wasn't blown away by the collection however i found some beautiful messages that I'll refer back to when I'm struggling to love myself.
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson

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I'm not usually the biggest fan of the young adult fiction in my limited reading history of the genre. But this one might have changed my mind and made me eager to try out more.

These two points are important for a novel to have in order to keep my interest.
1. it has a strong message behind them that makes me question my own life
(or the state of the world.)
2. it is semi relatable

We Are The Ants covers both of these elements.

I have to admit it did get a bit repetitive in parts for me. But I understand that when something as tragic as suicide touches your life it's difficult to focus on anything else or to move on from it. And dealing with a tough school life would make it even harder.

Overall I enjoyed the structure of the book, and how many subjects it covers. It was a very fast read, and I found myself invested in the lives of the characters. I liked to see the progress of the characters and the many layers each have to their personalities. There we're moments when I teared up. Moments when I got angry. Moments when I laughed. All of which I appreciated.

I feel like there needs to be a second book to continue this story. Many unanswered questions. But at the same time the ending tied the story together beautifully.

I have started creating music playlists that relate to the book I'm reading. If you're interested or enjoy listening to music while you're reading check it out :)