misslexisaurus's reviews
81 reviews

The Shack by Wm. Paul Young

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Initially I thought I was going to really enjoy this book, I'd heard good reviews and the initial couple of chapters kept me interested, but as I headed towards the middle I found myself getting irritated, bored and wanting to throw the book at a wall yelling "oh what a load of stuff and nonsense."

To me it felt a lot like a believer (of God) making excuses as to why bad things happen so that believing in him was easier or made more sense.

It's certainly helped me understand certain Christian friends of mine better and I respect them a lot more for that understanding. I can completely respect and understand the loving, forgiving side to this book, it's just a shame that that isn't the majority of it.

This is certainly a book to make you think, so try it and see!
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice

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If you're not into BDSM then this book definitely isn't for you! If you are then hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
It's well written and I felt I was going through Beauty's journey with her.
Dark Citadel by Cherise Sinclair

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A great, kinky, easy read with a warm and lovable lead male character and a realistic, relatable submissive woman. I found all the characters engaging and felt like I was really in the club.
The story is engaging and left me warm and fuzzy inside!
The Witch Who Made Adjustments by Vera Nazarian

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interesting book. not my usual style but I enjoyed it, especially the end.