mjcourchesne's reviews
191 reviews

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith

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Another fun romp by Seth Grahame-Smith, this time in twisted history. Can't wait for the movie!
Matched by Ally Condie

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I picked up this book at #ala12 along with crossed an looked forward to another fun YA series. It's certainly not the compelling ride that The Hunger Games provided, but it is an interesting twist on another post-apocalyptic world with star-crossed lovers in the mix. Little to no violence in the teenage rebellion here, and the young innocent love portrayed makes it better for younger readers.
Swamplandia! by Karen Russell

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The strange world of Swamplandia will draw you in, and spit you out a bit confused on the other end. Still, an entertaining read.
Year Zero by Rob Reid

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Amusing book. Part Hitchhiker's Guide, part copyright law. The characters are funny though not terribly well drawn and there is much need for suspension of disbelief when the characters so willingly jump from one philosophy to another, but still a very amusing look at piracy and copyright on an interstellar level. Knowledge of either music, the music industry or copyright law not necessary though an appreciation of one or more adds to the enjoyment.