mmarzullo's reviews
156 reviews

Glint by Raven Kennedy

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I think this was a great character building story, but I had a really hard time liking and/or relating to the main protagonist. I tend to lean towards books with a strong female lead and Auren is not that. With her traumatic past (and present), Stockholm syndrome and emotionally stunted adolescence, it is very frustrating to read through her POV. That being said, I think Raven Kennedy did a wonderful job of showing the audience just how incredibly emotionally and physically debilitated she was from years of abuse. I can see my frustration with Auren reflected through Rip's character- a male lead that I actually really enjoy. The "twist" at the end (no spoilers) unfortunately I predicted (two twists actually) but I still enjoyed the unveiling. I just wish there had been a little more movement on Auren's part from a development perspective, especially given the 200+ pages we spent in the first book that was almost exclusively about her trauma. I'm ready to move on. I want action and excitement. Hoping book 3 will deliver.