moomoo_reads's reviews
132 reviews

A Good Day To Be A Dog Volume 7 by Lee Hey

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 I’m fucking screaming!!!
They’ve always been so soft and wholesome I’m liking this whole new more… playful, flirty and teasing side 
A Good Day To Be A Dog Volume 8 by Lee Hey

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I’m crying. I hate this so god damn much!
Like what the fuck Bogum!? Don’t sink my ship like that. I will come after you.
I don’t even know what to say… I just want them to be together. I don’t want any memory loss or starting over. I hate that so god damn much. I really hope there’s a third option or that she chooses Seon. Imma flip my shit if he forgets everything, especially with how little there’s left to read.

Now onto waiting to unlock the last 9 chapters…
See ya in 8 days! 
A Good Day To Be A Dog Volume 9 by Lee Hey

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 Imma need a moment to process what just happened.
Honestly, I’ll probably read this again tomorrow to just feel the emotions rather than worry about the ending.

Sooooo, I reread it. And omg. Even though I knew exactly how it was going to end, I still cried the entire time. I think reading it and knowing what would happen made it even worse because all those little comments/plans they made of what they were going to do "someday" when you knew they wouldn't get the chance to because his memories would get erased were already a knife to the heart, but when you know that HE knows the entire time, it twists the knife tenfold. You look at it from a completely different point of view.

But, man was it a good series. Throughout the series, I always thought Bogum was actually a good guy. That he was being made out to seem like he was a bad guy but he was really a good guy. In the end I wasn't wrong, however, when he revealed the past and gave her the ultimatum I lost faith in him and for sure thought he really was a dick. But he's only sort of a dick now in my eyes.

I was scared that Seon was gonna lose his memories for good and that they'd have to start their relationship all over. That is one of my most hated tropes. I can't stand it when all the relationship development I've spent the whole book reading and loving get's completely obliterated. Like what was the point of reading all of that and getting attached to the characters and story when it all dies anyway. If that had happened, the whole story would've been ruined for me, honestly. So I'm really glad it didn't. And that they got their happy ending. They're so cute together.

I would definitely reread the whole series because I think there's a lot of little hidden things you'll discover/pick up on knowing the ending. 
A Good Day To Be A Dog Volume 5 by Lee Hey

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My heart can't take all of this cuteness and blushing! It's too much.

And OH MY LORD YUL!!!! My precious little bean I adore him so much!
At least he has the balls to tell Hana his feelings despite her being a teacher and him a student etc. Good on him. Seon and Hana should take some lessons from him and just confess already. Idk how much longer I can take screaming at the screen for them to JUST FUCKING SAY IT!

Don't worry tho Yul. Hana may be a little too old for you, but I'm not. I may not turn into an adorable dog when kissed (although I guess I don't exactly know that for sure either... you could help me figure it out though... 
A Good Day To Be A Dog Volume 4 by Lee Hey

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 Ahhhhhhh just so cute!!!
And OMG Mr. Lee in the beginning!!! Hell yeah! Make those bitches quake in their boots.
I'm loving Mr. Lee trying to help them get together. I can't wait to see what happens during the field trip. I just want her to tell him already honestly and not just that she likes him but that she turns into a dog too.
And omg Yul. Such a sweetie. I love him. And it's so sweet how he likes Hana. If only he weren't a child. But even then, I still ship her with Seon, cuz hell yeah. 
A Good Day To Be A Dog Volume 3 by Lee Hey

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 I’m in tears right now. My god this is getting so sad, but I’m here for it. I’m loving it. I love getting to know more about Seon’s past and what kind of person he is. Amazing. Just keeps getting better and better.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to keep reading and crying. 
A Good Day To Be A Dog Volume 2 by Lee Hey

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 Oh My God! That got so much better! It's so cute! I can't wait to find out what happens next.
I am in love with these characters! Seon Jin is actually so nice and sweet. I love seeing their relationship develop and try to make up excuses to spend time together. So sweet. Can't wait to keep reading. I ship them. I ship them so hard.

Also, just so many funny moments. Jin is just adorable. 
A Good Day To Be A Dog Volume 1 by Lee Hey

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 So far I'm enjoying the story. It's good, but I don't have any strong feelings towards the characters or anything that's happened yet. It's good and enjoyable, but I'm not super into it. I'm going to keep reading for now though. I'm curious to see how the story continues since nothing's really happened yet and to see if my feelings change at all. 
Siren's Lament, Season 2 by instantmiso

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 Holy shit I just completely inhaled season 2 and OH. MY. GOD. was it GOOD! That ending is everything. I love it so much. I'll admit, I was about to chuck my iPad across the room at some parts, but holy hell was everything tied up nicely.
Season 2 was so much better than season 1, in my opinion at least. I loved the interactions between the characters so much more, especially as we got closer and closer to the end. I absolutely adore all the characters and love the growth and development they underwent. The story as a whole started off pretty standard, it was nice and enjoyable and fun, but nothing all that special or riveting. But I love the turn things took in the second season, which is why I give this one 5 stars.
I love both Shon and Ian, and of course Tua and Pele and the others too, but Ian has a special place in my heart. He's for sure my favourite, although adorable little Coen is a very close second.

I'd say it's definitely worth the read. You'll fall in love with the characters and their relationships with one another. Even if it starts off slow and you're unsure keep reading because it only keeps getting better. Season 2 is what really makes this story for me. 
Siren's Lament, Season 1 by instantmiso

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 Ummmm I'm sorry, no. What kind of an ending was that!? YOU CAN'T JUST END THE SEASON ON A CLIFFHANGER LIKE THAT THE FUCK!?

Thank god I can go right into binging the second season. I feel for all those who had to wait for the second season to start and the episodes to be released weekly.

I'm really enjoying Siren's Lament. I like the characters, especially Shon and Ian. I love Ian's internal battle of what to do; whether to be selfish or selfless. I like how Ian and Lyra are opposites and are learning to do the opposite (Ian to think of others and Lyra to put herself first). I can't wait to see what the second season brings for all the characters and if they're able to figure out a way to break the curse and get Pele and Tua back to human.
I also really wanna know more about Lyra's backstory and what really happened to her/where she comes from and who she is.

Anyway, onto season 2!