morthos's reviews
118 reviews

Restart After Coming Back Home by Cocomi

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me, someone with mental health issues, low self-esteem, and deals with self worth: Why is everyone so mean to Mitsuomi...

Ok, to be honest... I wasn't expecting "grumpy/sunshine". I haven't read the tags for this in a while and, in my mind, I was going into it now thinking "depressed/sunshine". I have to rethink my approach to this now.

With that new dynamic in mind, I this story was just alright. Nothing really pissed me off, nothing happened that would've made me angry. But nothing really got me either. I really wanted to be much more interested in this than I ended up being. I can see the cute. I can see the sad. But I didn't feel any of it so I'm kinda disappointed that it wasn't moving enough for me. I'm still reading the sequel and I'm still buying these physically.
雨上がりの僕らについて by らくたしょうこ, らくたしょうこ

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I could be finding a better sorry to read.

I am so annoyed by everyone in this damn book. For starts; Kanade and Mashiro are grown ass men acting too much like 11th graders going out for the first time with the added layer of them being closeted. It's getting really annoying the way these conflicts aren't really conflicts, there's just no attempts at communicating and I fucking hate it.

It's annoying because we when do have flash backs of them in high school all their actions and behaviors make sense because they're ARE teenagers. It's really cute and it fits. These same behaviors that they're still doing now that they're dating as adults is not cute. It's annoying. It's not cute to see Kanade put the blame on himself for telling Mashiro to stop because he was being forceful and scary. It's not cute to see Mashiro push away his mother, who's been in need of mental help for years, as well as not communicating on anything. Even if it's just a little bit of opening up to Kanade.

Speaking of his mom, I don't really like the way she's written. Not specifically her but everything revolving around her. She's written as "the villain" when really this lady is mentally unstable and has been needing professional help for years. Her husband passed, she became super dependent and attached to her son, her romantic relationships have been very messy and unhealthy which makes her more attached and dependent on Misharo. The grandmather is the only person with any sense but still no one tried to get her any help? I'm very annoyed with how the sorry has treated her so far the most.
雨上がりの僕らについて: 1【電子限定描き下ろし漫画付き】 by らくたしょうこ

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Man, I hate with BL authors forget that there's other letters in LGBT than just L and G. Life ain't Good when you act like bi, pan, or even demi people don't exist.

I have nothing to say about this absolutely mid ass story. This volume one was fine. Maybe less than fine but nothing that actually pissed me off (yet). That being said, it's still a 4.5 out of 10 because I was promised sad and it's giving me pathetic.
六と類 Roku to Rui by Suiyoubi

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Why couldn't this just be a cute & heart gripping story about two friends mending their friendship and trying to be lovers? Why did this had to be littered with sexual harassment for no reason, conflicts and BL tropes straight out of 2010? What the fuck was chapter 3? I wanted to really like this, man...

The sad part is, when it's just about Rui and Roku being friends again and being cute together it is actually cute. There are a lot of really adorable moments in this but it's the conflicts that frustrated me because they felt forced. Rui thinking that Roku is cheating on him pissed me off the most because if his brain wasn't so gender locked I would've been a little bit on his side when he found those clothes but he got all worked up over mugs with hearts on them first. Like, dude, shut the fuck up. I've been going from "aww this is cute" to "I'm going to break some windows" and it's not been fun.

Art's cute, though.
Send Them a Farewell Gift for the Lost Time by Cocomi

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From the tags to the cover art I was really hoping for something much, much more sad. Instead it's just above average with a dash of "I'm angry" and that's exactly how I like my manga apparently...

I really don't like that Naruse Tsukushi explained to the reader why he broke up with Toui, with very understanding and legitimate reasons only to layer say he doesn't know why he wants Toui to apologize??? They both are really good friends but not the best boyfriends to each other. On Toui's end he's taking advantage of Naruse's kindness and depends on him too much, though not on purpose. Naeuse felt under appreciated and taken advantage of so it's understandable why he'll break up. However, he also didn't try to communicate to Toui that this how he felt so it's just been fucking 3 chapters of running around in circles and then the end of chapter 4 just made me a little bit peeved.

Update: The above was written before chapter 4 and while I still stand by everything... Everything I yelled about got touched on in chapter 4 word for word but in a very 5/10 way. It could've been much more emotional leading up to the sex scene, but I guess I'm glad they did finally talked...

At least we got a really beautiful shot and the only thing that made me feel any emotion: 2 beautiful unnamed women getting married in chapter 3 page 26 🙏🏾.
たんたんとタント Tantan to Tanto by Noriko Kihara

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This was just fine. I wasn't that invested in them but they also didn't bother me as much as the couple from Living With Him (mostly) and My Home, Your One-Room did. But there was unnecessary conflict at the end where it could've been a build up of them being together and transitioning their friends with benefits relationship over to a romantic one, instead we got weird isolating and lack of communication.

I'm not too in love with Shunpie being standoffish but also the possessive lover to Kota and Kota basically saying he'll give up his person to be with Shunpie. It's weird, I hate it... Maybe the couple from My Home, Your One-Room was better... I do plan on reading vol 2 as long as one else picks this up <3.
Don't Be Cruel: 2-In-1 Edition, Vol. 1 by Yonezou Nekota

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Did not finish book.


Update: Dropping the series as a whole but I did read all of this 2 vol combo. I also don't know the date I read this other than it being 2016 but I wrote as little of what I could remember down for it in 2023. So this is old but I don't really want to update it because I don't want to reread this shit book.


Maybe it's because I'm 20, maybe it's because I'm not 15 years old anymore, maybe I'm not much more aware of how horrible everything in this book is, but the way how this relationship started bothered me to hell and back. The fact that Nemu just took the harassment (then rape) that Maya was forcing on him just angered me so much. Only the last 7 was actually something good. But throughout the book I was very disgusted by the "rape and blackmail is ok because they love you" narrative this game me.
餌付けは夜半、あの部屋で [Ezuke wa Yahan, Ano Heya de] by Ken Homerun

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Did not finish book.


I had so much interest in the beginning but by the middle of chapter 3 I kinda just lost any interest. Maybe it was because of the bullshit vampire stuff or maybe I couldn't keep going after I found myself hating the writing of both chapters 1 and 2.

Chapter 1 was, like fine but a lower grade kind of fine. But ch.2 literally took me more than 2 days to even want to finish. Not sure if the stories are any good. I was promised something "sad" but the only thing sad was how long it took me to drop this manga.
Private Teacher! 1 by Yuu Moegi

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Did not finish book.


Oh MAN do I wanna scream. I really need a stressed facepalm emoji for books like these. First off, the obvious ear fetish isn't my thing but that's whatever. I can live with that. The student/teacher relationship isn't my thing. In fact, it has me on edge because I know anyone at any age can be a student and I was hoping the student(s) would be 20+ in uni... and I was wrong

The 3rd couple has a student who's a 2nd-year high schooler so he'd be a junior who's at least 17. I instantly skipped the rest of that chapter. Another thing I've noticed is the excuse of rape and abuse that's very similar to Junjo Romantica's romantica storyline and it makes me uncomfortable. "Rape to Lovers" is bullshit. Consistently people overstep the other's boundaries despite the other telling them to stop or expressing their anger. I'm tired of this just being overlooked and ok.

I'm not even gonna touch the incest thing that pissed me off even more after finding out they're a trans character! Like, bless! You have a trans character! But for it to be the first BL story I've read to have a trans character and their story to involved incest killed me inside. I'm too old for this, it just screams Junjo and it makes me sigh so hard. There's so much wrong in these stories that I couldn't finish this fucking book. The only person with any sense in this manga was Ninose.

Also, the use of the word "monopolize" makes me wanna punch a wall.
溺れるトライアングル [Oboreru Triangle] by Shiramatsu

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Did not finish book.


I'm not really here for threesomes but I wanted to put that aside because the art was cute... I couldn't really get past it.


Update: Ok, so I'm looking at the tags and their is a trans character along with poly rep that I'm guessing happens eventually so that kinda makes me wanna pick this back up... kinda. I hate, and I mean really really really really really hate love triangles with a burning passion. I also hate the gender bent/swap trope because they're always done for comedy or an excuse. BUT if the triangle becomes poly and the gender bent/swap shit is wrong and we’re actually dealing with a trans character…. maybe.