mouseyhare's reviews
272 reviews

Neon Gods by Katee Robert

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Did not finish book.
Might come back to this later
The Creative Tarot: A Modern Guide to an Inspired Life by Jessa Crispin

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For the most part, I really liked this and I think it was a really fresh perspective on how to think about tarot in a more solid way than purely esoteric. Wasn't sure what to make of a few of the recommended reading materials, which is what lost it the star, honestly.
Your Tarot Your Way: Learn to Read with Any Deck by Barbara Moore

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Rounded down from what might have been a 3.5 stars. There were things about this that I liked (her tone, the exercises), but even though the book claims that you can learn with any deck - it seems really dependent on literal RWS imagery especially in the major arcana, and kind of boils down too many of the cards for my liking. I liked that she allowed for a lot of different approaches toward practice though, both psychological and divinary. And I liked that she actually told some of the Fool's Journey too, which I never really consider when looking at cards.
Pause: Harnessing the Life-Changing Power of Giving Yourself a Break by Rachael O'Meara

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rounding up to 3 stars but it's really more like 2.5

this has some good ideas and articulates some stuff about how you can incoporate taking pauses from daily life, but it seems to be wrapped up in this bigger idea that people should be taking these long breaks from work to find themselves and i just... don't personally find that super practical or helpful.
Hexbreaker by Jordan L. Hawk

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This was okay. The world was cool but it was weirdly paced and maybe I'm just not in the mood for MLM these days in general. I read it for a book club (or started it for one) so maybe that's why.
The Princess Affair by Nell Stark

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Very cute!! I liked it, a nice sweet romance novel. IDK why it took me so long to finish
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee

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silly and predictable but still sweet.... some random bits of worldbuilding thrown in there that were cool... but mostly ngl i just thought that jess and abby were sweet :"(
Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie

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A lovely end to a lovely series. Sad that there won't be more of this universe, but the end was satisfying even if it was open ended.
Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat

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Interesting. I actually would give it more stars but the rape content is off putting... hopefully there's less of it as the series goes on.