musingofsouls's reviews
69 reviews

The Barren Grounds by David A. Robertson

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I love it I love it I just love it! I have not read much middle-grade fantasy books but this one is definitely one of the bests out there.

Morgan has been living in foster homes from a young age and whenever she felt attached to the family, they left her out, but, the new foster parents she has been living with are trying to be good and trying to make her feel at home. But, Morgan does not wish to get attached to them either. School is not a better place for her either, she likes to be alone most of the time.
For Eli, it is the first foster home he is in, and he does not feel like talking or making friends with anyone. He only loves to draw.
One day, they find a secret room in the attic which leads to another world. A world where everything is frozen and only hunter of the place, Ochek (fisher), welcomes the kids and support them as well. But, when Arik (squirrel) gives them some information, the four are set on a mission full of adventure and action. The mission to save Misewa.

The storyline is beautiful and the emotions are touching. When the hearts of Eli and Morgan are described in the book, it can make one exceptionally emotional. The characters are constructed amazingly and they blend in well with the background.

Morgan is a very understanding girl but she does not like anyone interfering with her life choices. She cares for Eli as she knows what he would be going through being thrown out of his community and so she tries her best to help him any way possible. Eli too has a soft spot for Morgan who is the only one with whom he shares the things he wishes to. The relationship that grows slowly between them is great, it shows how much it takes for someone to trust another one.

Askî is a world full of animals walking on two legs. There are a lot of details about Misewa and Askî present in the book (a lot of detailings, lots of love!). The story first is in the human world and then there are further developments that lead to the other world. It is beautiful to see this slow pace, not boring at all!

I do not wish to compare this book to any others as this is beautiful in itself. Roberston has done a great job in setting up the beautiful world and I would definitely recommend this to ages 8 and up! Haul this book up! You will love it!!
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White

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A longer version of the review will be available very soon on Musing of Souls.

So, let's talk about Frankenstein. . .'
or let's not, let's talk about this book.
This was my very first experience with this author and it turned out to be purely good. Well, for starters I had not read Frankenstein before and I was so into the cover that I did not even bother to read the blurb of the book. I just kept going through it and it just was a completely new experience for me.

The book is written from the point of view of Elizabeth and not Victor. ( Everyone who has gone through Frankenstein might notice the differences and similarities in the book but eh. . .not me!). Also, I do not read much Historical fiction which I do not know why but I certainly enjoyed it. It feels set in history but somehow it has the modern touch to it. The writing style and the young adult characters feel very life-like to me.

Elizabeth, an orphan child, not certainly adopted but actually kept as a helper and a part of the family as well, but you know not in a way where she is the child with mom and dad, helper like family. She is a beautiful, perfect, kind, and caring person and that is what she seems to be like to you but there's a mask and there are secrets hidden in the mind. When Victor moves out of the country and when there is no news from him, Elizabeth is on the run to out Victor with her best friend and sister-like lady, Justine. What follows is the series of mysteries you would love to know on your own. ( or you already know because you have read the original book.).

I love-love-loved the character of Justine a lot. She seemed like a perfect best friend for me. Then, comes Elizabeth Lavenza who is bold and beautiful yet scary sometimes.

The story as it reaches the end does get a bit fast-paced, I was a bit lost around it, but I just could not cut out any stars for that.

Minimal animal abuse.

Age Rating: Suitable for 15+, I highly recommend not give this to any 11,12 years old. (It is your choice in the end, but, I am just saying, the essence won't be understood.)

I would conclude this, placing this book on the 4.75 stars shelf and rounding it up to 5!!
A Peculiar Royal by Alonna Williams

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The Lost Prince is one of its kind. The storyline is not that extra-ordinary but the way Alonna Williams represents the whole story makes it a beautiful piece of work. I literally laughed, cried, and felt every mood the author tried to mention during the whole plot.

The throne of Odsia is heirless, the king and the queen's son and his wife had been killed with the baby boy they had. Yet, King Dorian thinks that his grandson is alive and must be found out soon. Tristan had been living on the streets for eighteen years with his friends, mugging, and begging for food. His life takes a turn when the royal guards take him to the king realizing he is the lost prince. But, he is not ready for life as a royal and wishes to run away from the palace.

WIll the throne of Odsia remain vacant? You really need to find out by reading the beautiful work!
There are no parts of the book I did not enjoy! Kudos to the author for an amazing story.
Wench by Maxine Kaplan

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A detailed review for the book is present on Musing Of Souls
Thank you so much Amulet Books, Netgalley and TBR and Beyond Book Tours for giving me an opportunity to read this wonderful book!

With much complex plot and so many different characters, that too, all perfect, Wench did not disappoint me at all. Tanya has been a Tavern Wench since she could notice the world around but when the owner dies, she is to become the proprietress of 'The Smiling Snake'. But, when the Queen's corpsmen take away her property, she decides to join the corps on the travel to "The Glacier" (The Queen's land.). There are secrets hidden within the corps and the queen and when Tanya finds out what the secret is, she is suddenly in the castle kneeling in front of the queen.

What happens in between and what are the secrets that 'The Queen' is hiding? To find out, grab the book!

Now, talking about the writing style of the book. I would not say it is for any beginner, while the English used is quite easy and readability is amazing, the book involves a lot of changes in the scenario and emotions, as well as there, are many characters present and new ones keep coming now and then. For me, this part turns out to be a favourite one but for someone who wishes to get into reading, it might not be the best read.

The character development is amazing. The lead character is strong, powerful and has a very loveable personality. Even the supporting characters are built so deeply that it will leave you awe-struck. As much as the main character means to us here, all the background characters have their own part to pour into here. I cannot imagine the book being so good without such good characters!

If you are looking for a medium-paced, book with high fantasy elements including minor elements of LGBT+ Romance as well as action and magic and some tragedy, this is the book for you!
My Last Summer with Cass by Mark Crilley

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This was the first graphic novel I took in my hand and now I have expectations-high from the future graphic novels I read! I just do not know how to throw out the feels I had while reading it. It took me only a few hours to go through all the pictures and the storyline. It was so amazing.

Cass and Megan have been best friends for all the childhood and they have spent their summers by the lakeside cabin but one day when Cass moves away to New-York, Megan is alone! After a few years, Megan convinces her parents to drop her with Cass while they go on a trip-related-to-work. But, Cass has changed completely, she is not what she used to be. And the story evolves.

Art - 100!
Storyline - simple but delightful and so amusing!
(It made me cry at a few points!) *cries silently*
Definitely GRAB IT!

THANK YOU so much Netgalley and the author for providing the ARC!
Mask by Andrea Fink

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Now, if we are talking about books in another world, this is a whole new concept and I totally love it.
Someone has taken Emily to a different world and there are no choices in front of her except to trust the one who has abducted her. There are secrets and there are creatures who do not want Emily around. Will the deathly stench of this human survive in a region full of demons, vampires, elves, and what not?

Fink has done a beautiful job of writing this book. The characters are so unreal and yet while your eyes run through the words, you feel so alive in this world. If you are someone who likes a world with lots of magical creatures and elements, go around and have a chilling weekend with this beauty.

I do not think the book is either plot-driven or character-driven, there is a fine balance of both in this. We find enough about the characters throughout the book and there is a substantial amount of pace which surrounds the world around as well, so I guess it is a good mix.

It has its elements of romance which are okay-ish for me. Not because they are poorly written or anything. Well, I am not a fan of romance that much, and the book is not dipped into romance elements, there are a few here and there and just fine! But for anyone who likes to read fantasy with sprinkles and sparkles of romance, it would be a nice read, to be honest.

This was actually the very first book I read by Andrea Fink as well as one which had magical creatures like demons and vampires and stuff like that. When I started reading this one, I thought I would not like it but as I moved forward in this one, I just kept loving more and more of it.

(Thank you so much Andrea for the ARC. :) )