mwatts168's reviews
94 reviews

Zami: A New Spelling of My Name: A Biomythography by Audre Lorde

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I am still bitter that people let me go a whole 18 years on this planet and never mentioned Audre Lorde to me.
White Houses by Amy Bloom

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I don't know why but I see myself reading more fiction this year... I really liked how Bloom showed a side of Eleanor that I've never really thought of. I think the relationship between Franklin, Eleanor, and their "lovers" is really interesting.
Give People Money: The Simple Idea to Solve Inequality and Revolutionise Our Lives by Annie Lowrey

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This starts off discussing silicon valley and people's concerns about how technology would "put us out of work" but Lowrey discusses so much more! She does such a great job covering research on UBI's and what the tradeoffs would be and if a system like that could even work.