mxbookmoth's reviews
156 reviews

Half Lost by Sally Green

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I've just finished reading this & I am all up in my feelings right now! I've still got Half Truths to read-But aside from that, I'm sad to have finished this series.
I've enjoyed this story & all of it's Magic & twists & turns-Although some were more predicable than others. I've also enjoyed connecting more with the main characters-Especially Nathan. I like the fact that he's flawed, both physically & mentally, angry, frustrated, sad, difficult & made mistakes.
Not every main character in a YA Book needs to be this seemingly perfect, smiling, loving person that gets everything right-& conversely, they also don't need to be this naive, innocent, nice person that then suffers a lot, but lives happily ever after anyway. But I digress!
Start reading this series if you fancy something different & then stick with it-It will make you think, if nothing else.
Allegiant by Veronica Roth

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Ok, so I enjoyed this Book, but it was also very sad to say goodbye to this series & for other reasons that I won't go into-Because I don't want to spoil it for anyone! I accidentally spoiled it for myself by reading a spoilery comment on Instagram!
It was nice that it was a longer read & I still enjoyed the plot & connected with all of the characters-Although I didn't agree with their decisions at times.
It was action packed, sad, lovely, shocking & unpredictable.
I didn't have a problem with it ending how it did-I think that it came to a good close for the series & there's no more Books continuing on from this one, so, yeah...
I'll be reading Four next & also hoping that Veronica Roth writes some more Books soon, as I enjoy her writing style.
Insurgent by Veronica Roth

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I enjoyed this Book. Not quite as much as Divergent-As I felt like some of the outcomes of certain events were predictable, Tris's decisions weren't always understandable & I disliked Four multiple times for various reasons!
But the story progressed well, there were some things that I really didn't see coming, I still felt for the characters & the action didn't falter either. I'm going to watch the Film for the first time soon & see how that compares.
But now I'm moving into Allegiant-Wish me luck!
Divergent by Veronica Roth

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I really enjoyed this Book. I saw the Film when it first came out & really enjoyed that, so I knew that I would enjoy the Book as well.
The Film & the Book are really close-There were only a few differences made for the Film & they weren't particularly major.
I love dystopian stories & I could really relate to the ideas in this story about not fitting in, but not wanting to, being misunderstood, outcast & fighting to be yourself, which means being multiple things at once.
The story's great, the characters are real, flawed & therefore a lot more relatable & it's easy to get into their world.
I'm going to re watch the first Film & go straight onto reading the 2nd Book {Insurgent} before then watching the 2nd Film for the first time.
The Danish Girl by David Ebershoff

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Rating's actually 4.5 stars.
So this is my first Book read in January & in 2016 & it's great. It's elegantly, sensitively written-Yet still no holds barred, with beautiful description & heartbreaking detail regarding the thoughts & feelings of everyone involved in this amazing story.
The only reason why I didn't give it a 5 star rating, is because at times, although I appreciated the detail of the characters backstories {more so Lilli's} I was impatient to get back to the present events. Also, I wanted more right at the end of the story. You'll perhaps see what I mean when/if you read it.
But other than that, it's great & I definitely recommended it-I couldn't put it down.
A Dance with Dragons 2: After the Feast by George R.R. Martin

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So, finally after over 4 months {really?!} I've finished this Book! I got caught up in reading other, lighter, Books & it was therefore on the back burner for a while after I'd got quite far into it. But now I'm all up to date with both the T.V show & the Books! Success!
I was happy to catch up with all of my favourite characters & unhappy, of course with certain events {Why George, why?!}-But I can live in {Probably false} hope! It was a great read, but some filler now & then, but there you go.
I'd like to read the prequel, A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms next-To tide me over whilst I'm sitting here with everyone else waiting for The Winds Of Winter to arrive...