mxbookmoth's reviews
156 reviews

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

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I started reading this at the beginning of Sept, reading bits of it now & again-& then got back into it in a big way.
I like the writing style, the Diary format & different character perspectives given.
The characters themselves, although all unlikeable for various reasons, are also intriguing & multi layered.
The more I read, the more engrossing the story became-& towards the end, I had multiple theories about what had/Would happen. I was excited to find out the truth & which of my theories, if any, was right {& one of them was}.
There was more I would've liked to know about certain characters & their futures, but, for the most part, it ended satisfactorily.
I plan on watching the Film asap-& it'll be interesting to see how they've adapted the story & characters & the similarities/Differences.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Long Way Home, Part 1 by Georges Jeanty, Joss Whedon

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I love Buffy The Vampire Slayer {I'm re watching it & Angel at the moment}-& I can't believe it's taken me this long to start reading Season 8! Especially because I've had Season 8, Volume 1 for ages now!
But I've started & I'm enjoying the set up to Buffy's new way of life, after the events of the Season 7 finale.
The artwork's awesome, the witty humour's still there, as are character's both old & new, with old & new drama!
Going to continue on with it...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Long Way Home, Part 2 by Georges Jeanty, Joss Whedon

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So, I've started a Buffy fest for sure-I can't stop reading these!
This one gets more into what's going on in everyone else lives & heads, as well as Buffy's.
I feel like the next one's going to be my favourite one so far though...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Long Way Home, Part 3 by Richard Starkings, Georges Jeanty, Joss Whedon, Dave Stewart, Andy Owens

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This is my favourite Buffy comic so far, as I predicted-Because I love Willow, Magic, blasts from the past & hilarious Dreams! XD
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Long Way Home, Part 4 by Richard Starkings, Georges Jeanty, Joss Whedon, Dave Stewart, Andy Owens

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This season's getting really good now-More Magic, kicking ass & revelations! :D
I'm going to drag myself away from it all now for a while, so I can read some of the other Books on my October tbr. ;)
The Wit & Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister by George R.R. Martin

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I love Game Of Thrones, I love Tyrion & I wanted something quick to read in between my longer Books. Was a nice little refresh of some of his quotes from the A Song Of Ice & Fire Books. Now, if only there was a new Book to read in that series...*Cough* In my lifetime please, George *Cough Cough*
All-Star Superman, Vol. 1 by Grant Morrison

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I've had this Comic for *ages* without reading it-& I should've read it sooner, as it's really good. :)
The storylines for each episode are all different, yet often interlinking & all of the usual suspects in terms of characters are in it.
The artworks nice-Retro mixed with modern with a good amount of detail when needed.
However, what let it down a bit for me was the way that Clark Kent/Superman himself was drawn sometimes. As this massive, thick necked/Jawed man, that was even more obviously not human {So, Superman} than what we're used to! :P I just wasn't feeling that & it kept distracting me from everything else...But aside from that, a really good read.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two by Jack Thorne

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I really wanted to see this play-But although it was being shown reasonably close to me, I couldn't get/Afford tickets/Travel in the end. Gutted.
So when I heard that the script was coming out in Book form, I couldn't wait to read it.
By the time I'd bought it, I'd heard a lot of differing opinions {All non spoilery thankfully!} about it. So I waited until I was in exactly the right mood to start reading it myself-To make sure I could lose myself in it the way that I wanted to.
When I finally did start reading it I realised that, as makes sense for a script, it has some stage/Character direction & little physical character description or environmental description. But, having a vivid imagination, I dealt with that pretty well!
I had a few ideas of where the story could go, but it blew all of my expectations out of the water. It was slow to get going, but once it did, it was very hard to put down.
It was lovely to be back with the characters-Good, bad & in between & the newbies, some of which were ace. The feels were intense most of the time & some epic events occurred!
I would love to watch this as a Film-I wonder if it'll ever happen...
Marked by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

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I got this {& the next 3 Books in this series} as a surprise gift-I'd also heard of them before & so was interested in & happy to be able to read them.
I got sucked into {Pardon the pun} this one right from the start! It's easy to read & imagine, the characters are likeable &/Or intriguing-& I love the Cherokee, Vampire, Magical vibes! It's right up my street & you can tell that the Authors have actually done their research as well.
Moving straight onto the next Book now!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Chain by Richard Starkings, Paul Lee, Joss Whedon, Dave Stewart, Andy Owens

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This starts off very random & then ends with all the realisations & feels! Nice to see things from a different perspective.