mxbookmoth's reviews
156 reviews

Angel: After the Fall Vol. 1, Premiere Edition by Brian Lynch

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Loved being back in this world & finally finding out what happened after the Season 5 finale...
Was a good story, with plenty of action & some surprises! O_o
The artwork's good-But not my favourite style for Graphic Novels/Comic Books! :/
I've only got this one so far-But now I've started, I really want to continue! :D
We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals by Gabriel Bá, Gerard Way

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Another intriguing instalment! XD This one was darker in tone & explored the relationships between the siblings. I'm getting more into it now! :)
Dr. Terminal's Answer by Gabriel Bá, Gerard Way

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This issue wasn't *quite* as interesting as the last one-More of a catch-up, with a somewhat predictable ending! :P
But still a good continuation to the story & I'm now really interested in what issue 4 will bring! O_o
The Umbrella Academy #4 by Gabriel Bá, Gerard Way

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This is my favourite issue so far-The 3 different stories, including a flashback & especially the focus on one of the 'Heroes' & what happens to them...I can tell I'm going to miss this series when I finish it!
The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite #5 by Gabriel Bá, Gerard Way

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Full of little surprises & a big one...Can't really say much more without spoiling it!
Finale by Gabriel Bá, Gerard Way

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This was my ultimate favourite of the 6 issues-Action, shock, gore & a satisfying, yet predictably messed up ending! XD
Can't wait to read the next volume!
Supernatural Origins #1 by Peter Johnson

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I really enjoyed this-The storyline is consistent with the T.V Show, the writing's great & of course there's plenty of action! ;)
The only downside for me, was the artwork. It fits the tone, but it's not great in my eyes-Especially the way Sam was drawn as a Baby! :/
But aside from that, it's great & I'm continuing onto issue 2 now. :)
Supernatural: Rising Son by Peter Johnson

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This one was even better than the first one-As not only was the story & writing on point {In a condensed way, of course}, so was the artwork. :)
The Artist, Colourist & Letterer were all changed for this one & I prefer their collective styles to the first one.
I've got the 3rd issue to read next & this is another comic that I'm definitely going to continue with. :)
Supernatural Origins #3: Chapter Three by Peter Johnson

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First {Comic} Book of 2017 read! Don't actually think I'm writing this under the correct Comic Book on here-But I can't find the right one & it won't scan-So, yeah!
This was an interesting insight into what Sam was like as a child & clues into his future self. Also Dean & his Father's relationship.
I don't currently own anymore in this series, so I'll have to wait to see how this continues.
The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer

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I can't really say that I *enjoyed* this Book-As that doesn't sound appropriate....More like I experienced it.
The writing, plot & characters are all well developed & I really felt for all of them-One way or another. The way in which the events are all mixed up, disjointed & presented in different ways, helps you to empathise with Matt even more.
It's a slow burner for quite a while & you have to have your wits about you, to keep track of what's going on at times.
But overall it's a great, emotionally charged debut Book on the tough subjects of Mental Illness {& an often misunderstood condition} & grief.
I'd definitely read something from this Author again.