mxbookmoth's reviews
156 reviews

Spike: After the Fall #1 by Brian Lynch

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This is a nice, quick entry into Spike's world post Buffy. The story's good, but having only read issue 1 of Angel: After The Fall, I think I've missed a lot! :/ The artwork's good, but could've been done better & I like the wording. However the word "Math" kept standing out like a sore thumb {Spike's English & so should/Would say "Maths"!} & I didn't dig the dig at Charmed-As I'm a big fan of it! :P
Those nitpicks aside, I really enjoyed hearing from Spike & it's a shame I've only got 1 issue of this so far! I'll catch up on both Angel & Spike asap! :)
The Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliff

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I saw the Film that this Book's based on; The Eagle, years ago & quite liked it. So I then picked up this Book, thinking that I'd like it just as much, if not more, than the Film. But, unfortunately, that really didn't happen!
I first started reading it 2 years ago {Woah!}, but just couldn't get into it. Although it's well researched & written, the story wasn't interesting me, I couldn't connect with the characters & even the description of their surroundings wasn't sparking my imagination.
So I put it down for ages, picking it up again only very briefly afterwards. I recently stubbornly picked it up again, in order to finally finish it off!
Don't get me wrong-There'll be loads of people out there that love this Book {As with most Books really} & it's not a bad Book by any means, it's just really not for me! So I therefore won't be continuing on with this particular series. Which is a shame, as I originally thought I'd be really into it-But hey, you can't win them all!
Cinder by Marissa Meyer

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I really enjoyed this Book! :D I love Fairy Tale retellings & this one was very well done. I could feel the Cinderella vibes throughout-But with a new setting, new characters & new twists...Some of which I did see coming, but most I didn't! ;)
The story was great; More modern, yet more grounded & realistic too. You could clearly see the nods to the original story, but the differences worked well to create a new one at the same time.
The setting was interesting; New Beijing, in the future, a while after WW4-I really enjoyed the description of this world.
The characters were well rounded & relatable; Cinder is an intelligent, capable, hard working, tough Woman, who's been through {& continues to go through} a lot of shit! XD Kai's more than just a good looking Prince-He's trying to do his best for his Father, the people & somehow himself.
I'm going to get the next Book asap-Can't wait to read it! :)
The Secret Circle: The Captive Part II and the Power by L.J. Smith

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*RE-READ*: I read this before I joined Goodreads, along with the first Book in this series & I really enjoyed it then & again this time. 😁
This Book is obviously the progression of the first one-So I can't say too much about it! 🀐
But I can say that some of the same characters are back {& some new ones}-As is the Magic & drama! ✨🎭
I haven't read the next Book in the series, but I'm ordering it to read asap & I'm really looking forward to reading something I've never read before in this series. 😌
I do know that the rest of the Books in this series are Ghostwritten-So it'll be interesting to see the differences {If any} in writing style.... πŸ€”
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

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*RE-READ {27-04-2017-02-05-2017}* I stand by my original 5 star rating & review-I really enjoyed re-reading this & entering this world again. 😁
Now onto {Finally} reading Book 2-& Book 3's being delivered tomorrow! πŸ‘€

*FIRST READ {2016}* I really enjoyed this Book. I thought that I knew how the story would go, being as it's a Beauty & The Beast retelling, but it took a different path whilst still remaining true to the heart of the original story.
It reminded me of my love for Beauty & The Beast & inspired me to watch the {Disney} film again after a long time.
I got on well with the writing style, enjoyed the plot and I really connected with all the characters. It's not perfect {as nothing is}-But there's not a lot wrong with any aspect of it in my eyes.
I'm really looking forward to reading the next instalment when it comes out in May this year.
Thirteen Reasons why by Jay Asher

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This is a *much* longer review than I think I've ever written! πŸ˜‚ But I feel like it's necessary for this particular Book {There's still no spoilers though}:

So, I heard about a new Netflix show called 13 Reasons Why & promptly added it to my {Massive} Netflix list, as it looked like my kind of show. 😊 Then I heard that it's based on a Book-& I like to read the Book version of things first, if I become aware that there is one, as it just makes more sense to me. πŸ‘πŸ½ No shade if that's not how you do things though-Just what's best for you. ✌🏽

Anyway, after hunting high & low in the Shops for this Book, I ended up having to buy it online-As it seemed like a lot of other people had the same idea as me! 😝
In the meantime I was avoiding spoilers like the plague-Both from the Netflix show & from the Book. πŸ™ˆ I was obviously also aware of all of the strong opinions, positive & negative, on the subject matter/s. πŸ‘€

When I finally got the Book, I was hooked straight away-I like the writing style, the unique way in which the story's told & the story itself sucked me in & so made to want to keep going. 😁 I fell asleep {Once with the Book still in my hand!} whilst reading this multiple times, because I didn't want to stop! πŸ˜…

I like how simple it *seems*; A boy, listening to audiotapes from a girl he knows, whilst having minimal interactions with other characters & settings {Only when important to the story in some way}, with a dual narrative that gives you reactions to what's being said straight away.
But I loved how complex it *actually* is-This is a girl who's committed suicide & is talking about all of the events & her part in/Reactions to/Feelings about them, to the people involved in some way {Whether wrongly or rightly} in these events.

I got emotionally invested in this story, the characters {Some more than others!} & the events pretty damn quickly! πŸ‘€ As I can understand/Sympathise/Empathise even, with a lot of things. But there are also a couple of things that I really can't... 😢

But, to close, I feel that it's a great Book & an important subject matter as well.πŸ‘ŒπŸ½ Mental illness/Health & Sucide especially, are *still* taboo subjects for some people & so they don't get spoken about enough. Also, some people really don't realise how much what they say & do to others can really affect them! πŸ˜” I don't think that we should therefore hyper analyse everything that we say & do to others, based on what they'll think, feel & do in reaction to it. But I think we should just take a minute beforehand to put ourselves in their shoes & imagine how it might come across to them. πŸ’ž

Thanks for reading my long as f review! 😜
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

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I read this after re-reading A Court Of Thorns And Roses & just when my pre-ordered copy of A Court Of Wings And Ruin had arrived. 😁 Despite loving ACOTAR & having ACOMAF for ages, this is the first time I've read it! πŸ‘€ As this is a non-spoilery review of a sequel, I won't give too much away. πŸ˜‰

*Positives: I loved being back in this world again, spending more time with these characters & some new ones. It's great how this Book not only follows on from the last one, but also links the 2 together consistently throughout. πŸ‘πŸ½ It also expands on everything further, delves into the past {Before ACOTAR} & turns a lot of things on their head entirely! 😢 I have to add, I'm here for the steamy scenes! πŸ’ž It makes things more realistic & I'm a grown ass Woman-So I've no problem with it. πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

*Negatives: Although it's good that it's longer, sometimes it felt a little bit too long-As I was impatient to get to the action! 😝 Also, certain words/phrases that were being repeated started to aggravate me as it went on. "Bathing Room" was one of them, for some reason! πŸ˜… Certain character's thoughts & movements as well-I feel like less repetition & different wording would've worked better.

But overall, I'm loving this series! 😍 Going straight onto ACOWAR & there's a new Book every year for at least 3 years after that by the looks of it-So, good times! πŸ˜„
The Divide by L.J. Smith

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I enjoyed being back in this world-I definitely needed a Witchy fix, Book wise! πŸ˜‰
This is the first Book in this series that's Ghost written by Aubrey Clark-& I like her style of writing. πŸ‘πŸ½ It definitely has a different vibe to it, but not in a bad way.
There was a lot of building up to something in this & then a short ending that leads onto the next Book-Which I need to get asap! πŸ‘€
The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis

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*Firstly, a note on the reading order: I've a boxset of all of the Books. The order on the side of the box & inside the front & back pages of every Book-Written as the "reading order" is as follows:

1. The Magician's Nephew
2. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
3. The Horse and His Boy
4. Prince Caspian
5. The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
6. The Silver Chair
7. The Last Battle

That's the order in which I read them when I was younger & that's the order I'm re-reading/Reading them in now. πŸ‘ŒπŸ½It also couldn't make more sense if it tried-Especially when you read the ending of this Book. πŸ‘πŸ½

*Really enjoyed re-reading this Book-Reminded me of my youth, haha! πŸ˜„ It's old school, stereotypical, English joviality & adventure at its best. πŸ™‚ Reading it as an Adult {Allegedly!}, I can see even more clearly the religious {Christian} undertones & themes throughout-& as an Atheist Witch, I don't vibe with that in the slightest! 😐 Or with the depiction of Witches as always being evil, obviously! πŸ™„ But this was first published in 1955-So, things were very different back then. πŸ‘ŒπŸ½ But I love the description, world building, easily likeable/Dislikable characters & naive fantasy of it all. I also like how it sets the scene for the next story {The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe} without giving too much away. πŸ˜‰ I'll be moving onto the next one straight away. 😁
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Glyn Robbins, C.S. Lewis

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It took me ages to re-read this, as I'm going through a reading slump at the moment! πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ But I'm hoping to pick up the pace with the next Book {The Horse And His Boy}. πŸ‘πŸ½ This is Book 2 in the series for me-There's an explanation as to why on my review of The Magician's Nephew. πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

I enjoyed re-reading this book as much as the first one {The Magicians Nephew}. 😁 Again, the nostalgia, nativity, innocence & fantasy in it's endearing. 🦁 I love how it continues on from the first Book, linking & explaining previous events, whilst going deeper into Narnia & the story. πŸ˜‰

I'm still not loving the good & bad, black & white, outdated views & Christian undertones {Personally} expressed in various ways throughout the story. 😐 But like I've said before, I'm aware that it's an expression of the time period & the Authors bias & I know it doesn't change throughout the series. So it is what it is. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ Maybe I'll stop being annoyed by it...Nah, I won't. 😏

Onto the next Book! πŸ”œ