natalierogers's reviews
329 reviews

Where You Belong by Nicole Baker

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I really liked this book and was going to give it 4 stars up until the last 10%ish of the book… spoilers ahead…

First I hated the third act break up just because I think they’re stupid. I also hated that he basically broke up with her twice and was mad at her when he found out she didn’t leave the city… she never said she WAS leaving he just assumed she would because she mentioned a fleeting dream of hers. Also why did it say The End BEFORE THE EPILOGUE…. I fucking hated that. Stressed me tf out. ALSO why tf did he not say I love you back to her at that point. The biggest thing I think that bugged me was in the epilogue it was mentioned how sienna wanted to call her mom now but not from sienna. Like why did we not get to see the reunion of them and the interaction after they were engaged and that whole convo with them… high key pissed about it.
One Look by Lena Hendrix

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Okay I loved this. I gave it 4 stars because I felt cheated out of a proposal scene tbh.

I loved Pen she was literally adorable. I also loved that everyone introduces themselves by their nickname in the town instead of did their real name. I do wish we could have seen a nickname for Lark.

I really didn’t get the whole Royal King storyline… like did he just flirt with Lark to piss Wyatt off or was it going to turn into something..? I felt like it was weird.

I also wish we had a goodbye scene instead of just Katie showing up to a grumpy Wyatt missing Lark and saying she had been gone for 2 weeks already… I feel like we were cheated out of the small moments that probably aren’t significant to most people but that’s what really knocked this from 5 to 4 stars for me.

Oh and this whole rivalry thing.. didn’t really seem necessary to me. So far we just have a couple petty pranks and one fight at the beach. Where the charges were dropped… I don’t get it. Plus Bug and Tootie are like friends? Idk. That whole side of it is just confusing to me.
Iced by Bella Matthews

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Insta love alert. So if that’s not something you would like then do not read this. There is a slight misunderstanding due to poor wording and an internal freak out with the FMC but no third act break up just a little tension.

I took a star off because I felt like there were too many people to keep track of. I am sure if I started with book 1 it would have been easier. Actually no I don’t think that’s the case because between all his siblings and their spouses and then her brother and gramps and her friends and his teammates. Yeah… I would need a flow chart of this family dynamic before starting to add friends.
Home Game by Odette Stone

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3.75⭐️ spoilers…
Fuck Bianca. Fuck Terrance. And fuck Mica when he did that blind date bullshit (but still love him).

This book would definitely be rated higher if it wasn’t frustrating as fuck. I liked the tension and the little jealous moments at first but then I just got frustrated with it. Things could have been resolved if they just talked out loud. Also Jensen was actually kind of nice with her which was shocking. I’m glad the boys sorted themselves out in the end. Love that she is obsessed with IKEA and their “Swedish food”
Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly

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Would have been 5 stars but I thought the ending was a tad rushed.

S.J really knows how to make me giggle fr. I laughed so much during this book. Honestly though how did she not realize that Anna was his sister…. Like she met his twin and felt like she “knew him forever” and thought the same thing with Anna… like girl. They look so similar according to the description and when Sam picked them up…. Come on?!

Also fucking in the alley then getting head in the museum before they have even been to each others house
The Pucking Wrong Number by C.R. Jane

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Holy what the fuck.I had no idea what I was getting myself into with this book. The internal battle I had reading this was insane. Linc is insane but I love him anyway.

If a man got my name tattooed on his dick.. yeah I would be in love no matter what he did too Monroe.
Pucking Around by Emily Rath

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Such an insane book really. Honestly it’s a little cringey at times and I feel like a lot of the same come to Jesus moments happen throughout the book. It’s really long and like 80% smut really so if that’s not something you’re into prob don’t read it.

Spoilerish stuff ahead maybe…

I loved the LA moment they had it was really sweet. I wish we could have had a moment where she got her job back and all the guys on the team were there to welcome her back or something since they were all a part of her keeping her job.