natalierogers's reviews
329 reviews

Persuasion by Jane Washington, Jaymin Eve

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I don’t really ever have a clue what’s truly going on in this book but it’s funny. All the Jeffery comments and then the comments from everyone on her inner monologue are actually hilarious. *cough fuck the pact cough cough*

I still don’t understand this whole random power thing…. Like it seems like she’s always making things heat up (literally) the mud got hot…. Then she sent everyone stumbling away in the arena. Then she caught the room on fire. She’s also got the super strength sometimes and the speed and healing… I feel like I don’t understand what being a beta is. Especially after they said she can’t access shit til she’s dead?

Also I guessed she was the chaos beta as soon as I knew betas were a thing in this book. I still don’t get HOW it happened.. also the whole soul thing…. Confusing as fuck. Why was neutral involved so random…
Seduction by Jane Washington, Jaymin Eve

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How I can be going into the 4th book with no fucking clue what’s happening is beyond me but holy shit I’m lost.

What the ever loving fuck is happening? I can’t stop reading because I need answers but like… I’m lost. I have no clue what the end game is anymore. I have no clue what the hell just happened through the whole book. It was so many random things and half adventures and I just don’t know what is happening.
A Demon's Horns by Marie Mistry

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A solid 3.75 stars. I enjoyed the book but I feel like we were missing some more detailed moments.

Also Kain was an asshole who ran away and then just comes back as if he wasn't a dick bag and is acting all fine and dandy. Then he goes and says he tried to find another girl that night to see if he would be attracted to them... yeah didn't want to hear that. I fell like the ending was confusing and rushed almost. We barely got any of the training leading up to the practical. It seemed very surface level through the whole book. I am sure there will be more details in the rest of the series now that all the characters have been introduced. I just wish the first book was longer and a little more detailed.
The Lost and the Chosen by Ivy Asher

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I took a star off simply for Talon.
Awakened and Betrayed by Ivy Asher

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Spoilers ahead. What actually happened in this book? Like a million unnecessary things that are half thought out and half done. I HATE that her powers transfer to whoever is her chosen. I feel like it takes away from what she can do. Probably not what most people would say but I don’t like the idea of sharing or giving away or having power taken (fucking ACOSF and Nesta really set this mindset off). It was unique that she had runes and now she just passes them off. I liked the mate runes that allowed them to communicate but not the entire transference. Also mave and pebbles are throwing me off. That’s so unimportant and just adding more unnecessary shit to the pile. THERES TOO MANY FUCKING CHARACTERS. I have no clue if there will be more random people added to the harem. I can’t even visualize the characters anymore because I’m having such a hard time keeping up with the names as is. There’s just too much happening rn.

Also everyone wants to go run and save uncle dickhead from the man who keeps sending people to kidnap her???? Yeah!!! That sounds like a GREAT idea. Like be so fucking serious and think about what is happening. How many people have been sent there and haven’t come back and you just want to walk in there with what they have been searching for?! Stfu.

Why did she spend the first half of the book with a total new group of guys just to have them tied to someone else in the end? How are they tied to someone else randomly like that? None of that shit makes sense and it sure as fuck isn’t important to me.

I hate how when she is with the guys she gets diminished. They won’t fight her because they don’t want to hurt her?!? Seriously how do you expect her to train if nobody will train with her? That’s so stupid “I’ll be pulling my punches” be so fr she would put every one of them on their ass before they knew what was happening. Proven in book 1 with the twins.
Magic Trials by Meg Xuemei X

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Everyone doggin that the writing is immature is kinda right but I went into it knowing it wasn’t going to be a literary masterpiece and I actually enjoyed the book. Is it even slightly realistic? No. But I didn’t think it would be. Sometimes I just want to read the most exaggerated over the top story and that’s exactly what this is.
Blitz by M. Sinclair

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I enjoyed it. Is it a work of art? no. It frustrated the hell out of me the whole time too because we got practically no answers about her past and *issues*. She is finally able to withstand her headaches and learn information from her past slowly - and I mean SLOWLY. I love the little pen pal moment. I don't have any major issues with the main characters yet. Other than Gage being frustrating when he just storms out of places without saying anything.
Insurrection by M. Sinclair, R.L. Caulder

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I actually really hated the ending... like so much so that I am putting off reading the next book.