natalierogers's reviews
329 reviews

To The End by J. Bree

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At one point lips said something about wanting the school year to be over to go take care of the jackal and honestly that’s how I felt after a while. The school was just background noise at that point and I wanted to get to the good shit ya know. Overall though the book was really good. And I mean good as in entertaining not at all something plausible or written in literary excellence. Also never would have guessed the mystery head sender out on my own. Well I guessed who it could have been but never guessed the relationship there.
Paper Princess by Erin Watt

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Writing this after I have finished the reed and Ella storyline

Lowkey wanted this to be an RH when I first started it with E and Reed with her. I honestly wish there was more angst between Ella and Reed before they got together.

Brooke can get fucked honestly she grosses me out in this book it’s weird. Insecure.

I wish they would get Easton help for his problem I can’t see why they’re so okay with just letting him get carried away like that. He’s young and they say they care about him yet don’t do much to help him out.

The twins don’t really play that big of a role. They’re more like a background character - yes I lump them together because they’re literally always that way.

Dinah is a cunt who deserves to be punched in the tit.

LOVE Val. Fuck Jordan. Abby is a cry baby. Gideon is frustrating.
Broken Prince by Erin Watt

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Jesus fucking Christ.
Twisted Palace by Erin Watt

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2.5⭐️ because I’m being a bitch rn

Honestly. I was so stressed out the whole book I could barely enjoy it. I was spending the whole time waiting for the evidence to come out that would show he was innocent and literally that didn’t come until the end of the book. Like the last 10% or some shit. I get it that was like the big reveal plot twist or whatever but we barely got to even enjoy any Reed and Ella interactions because every time they saw each other it was them talking about the fucking trial and then the plea deal. I was getting frustrated by it.

I started skimming closer to the end because it was literally the same conversation over and over. Plus Steve just being a dickhead to his wife and then being over bearing with Ella. I still don’t get why he was so “stay away from Reed” I’m sure I’m just being dumb because I’m mad and it will make sense when I get over how annoyed with this book I am. Plus why was Gid a dick when she did that for him? I wanted to see the scene where she told him what she did and how he reacted. I swear to god if that is just a ploy to get you to buy and read his book I’m going to be annoyed. But.. If Val and wade have a book though… I’ll read that.
Broken Trust by R.A. Smyth

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Can’t lie there are quite a few typos and just general fuck ups in the wording throughout the book. Easy to over look for me but if that’s something you can’t get over don’t read it. It’s also not very maturely written in my opinion but it is still funny and entertaining and what I needed rn. So again if that’s not your thing don’t read it for sure.

I honestly have so many questions that haven’t been answered yet. I also hate the build up of “our parents have been lying to us” just to have it randomly mentioned about why like no big grand reveal just “yep and that’s what they did. Anyway moving on.”

Also Cam needs to get over himself already.
Brutal Lies by R.A. Smyth

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I really like the idea but I feel like this is dragging out and we are just going in circles of the same thing over and over. They have the same conversations over and over and we jump ahead in time with nothing really happening. I also HATE every sentence that’s “I’ve the water” or something where you need to write out “I HAVE the water” otherwise you sound fucking stupid. Also there were so many more errors in this book it actually bugged me a bit. “Making us both groaning” seriously? Did nobody fucking proofread this shit? That was just the one I could remember. There’s also just so much immature language that it’s irritating at times. Also I love a good smutty scene but they felt poorly timed and too frequent to make it really enjoyable. Like there’s no real angst in the story. Plus I’m sick of all the secrets like the end of book 2 should have more revealed within the little group yet it still feels like they’re all practically strangers who just fuck each other.

Can’t even lie I skimmed probably half the book. I also started book 3 decided i didn't really want to read it anymore so i skimmed through the end of book 3 and it was interesting and the start of book 4 was good too but i just don't want to bore myself through the books to get to the end because that is what would happen.
Who Laughs Last by Eva Ashwood

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Save yourself the time and don’t read this. Spoilers ahead.

This book was shit. They ruined her life and what does she do? Yeah she fucks them all every chance she gets but don’t worry before she does she yells about how much she hates them and how she’s going to ruin their lives. Spoiler she never fucking does. She’s the weakest most spineless bitch ever. The guys are all fucking pussies. They follow Trent around like he’s god or some shit. Trent is a dick who is now like hmm maybe she didn’t do what I thought she did and I love her so I’m going to pretend none of it happened. And she’s like great idea me too. Like the entire book was based over like Christmas break. They keep saying they’re going to get her back in school yet Trent never went to the school to tell them what he did and he hasn’t told her dad or his mom so everyone is still super upset with her but he doesn’t give a shit. I literally skimmed through every sex scene because I couldn’t let go what they did. It was practically every time they were together that they were hooking up or making out or something and it’s like what was the point of even saying you wanted revenge. Plus Leslie is a cunt like the whole book is literally just about making Emma’s life a miserable hellhole. It’s so fucking stupid. It’s not second chance romance bc they used their second chance to do EXACTLY what they did to her the first time. How she could EVER trust them again is beyond me. I fucking hated this book. It was literally horrible.

The author literally just dropped the plot of the guys and her hating each other and making them team up against Leslie. So abrupt. So pointless. All the characters in this book are the worst people ever. They say nice words and she accepts it like they never did anything wrong.
Who Breaks First by Eva Ashwood

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**Coming back after reading book 2, save your time it literally gets so much worse. Probably the worst book I have ever read. I hated everything about it.** 4/22/24

She’s a dumb bitch honestly. And is he seriously that delusional? Like be so fucking serious he blames her for everything. He could shit his pants and somehow it’s her fault because she sit him on the toilet.

Spoilers ahead

Honestly I don’t think I could forgive them. It would take a lot including getting the school to take her back in. They literally made her flunk out of high school with their bullshit and then they got her kicked out of college. The other two could have gone to the dean or the prof and told them the truth but they just let her life literally be ruined. They took away her chances at a career and are practically just pushing her to have absolutely nothing. All because he is a delusional pigheaded piece of shit. Literally what best friend DOESN’T introduce their parents to one another!!!!!