natalierogers's reviews
329 reviews

Mr. Sin by S.J. Tilly

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3.75 ⭐️ definite spoilers ahead

I really hate how she kept forgiving him after a basic ass “I’m sorry” every time. Like he was an asshole over and over and would come say “sorry” then all was forgiven. That’s really my biggest issue with the book. I know Annie is his daughter but when she said she was fine and he was still sitting in a pool of blood it sure did take him a long time to remember Sasha was also there.

Just Drop Out by J. Bree

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In no world are these characters barely teenagers. I’m sorry but no. That is one of the biggest flaws of this book. They could have been in college at least. Also… why do they speak like they’re in England half the time? “You lot” instead of you guys/people “revision” instead of study… it’s weird to me

Also the whole hot and cold with the relationships was so confusing. It was always switching for no reason and out of nowhere.
The Pucking Wrong Man by C.R. Jane

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3.5 ⭐️
Honestly I have no clue…
Graves by Katelyn Taylor

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Yeah this shit was insane. Totally fucked up. Lots of smut. I honestly wish the epilogue went further into the future.
Drawn to Darkness by Michelle Heard

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It got a little cringey at times and I do not think the trauma was handled all that well… I mean that’s how I deal with trauma so I KNOW it was not handled well
Beautiful Beast by Neva Altaj

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Would have been 5 stars if he would have gotten his head out of his ass sooner. Stupid man.
Hunted by a Shadow by Michelle Heard

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I cried too damn much reading this book
Stolen By A Sinner by Michelle Heard

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Can’t even lie. Almost DNF’d this book when he started saying “don’t take your own virginity” when he gave her a damn vibrator… like pls stfu. He said that shit like 3 different times and each time pushed me closer and closer to closing the damn book and never going back.

There were quite a few cringey moments in general. I liked the book but will prob never reread it.
Dante by Sadie Kincaid

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I’m about to rant and probably give spoilers but this book was just so bad. I had high hopes at the start when they were at her house and she was throwing stuff and being a little sassy and funny. Then it just goes down hill. It was super fast paced like seemed like 2 chapters and they’re already fucking. But they’re like only fucking. He treats her like nobody outside of the bedroom. His sister shows up after they’ve just had sex and he basically ignores her. Then forces her back into bed with him that night anyway because he “needs her more than air.” Anytime she gets upset about only being his little fucktoy and says something to him getting upset he basically gaslights her and then you guessed it they fuck again. He forced her to get over getting fucked behind WAY too fast in my opinion. He forced her to confront her rapists because “she has to” in order to be strong. THAT. Almost made me throw the fucking book. She is strong because she is still here and living her life after what happened.

and another thing I fucking hated. He fucked up and asked her to marry him after his father said marry or kill her and when she finds out after she said yes and confronts him…. Yeah I was really looking forward to him groveling to prove he truly wanted to marry her. You know how long he groveled? What all he did to prove himself? He had his fucking house keeper make dinner and his sister pick up a cake. Then he forced her to come down to dinner and instead of pouring his heart out he stares at her smirking and then says 1 nice thing about how he truly wants to be with her. And this bitch says “this is the first time he’s taking accountability. That means he’s trying right?” THEN SHE SAYS YES. That fucking easy,

He constantly says shit like she has to do this yet when it came to her brother he didn’t let her have a say at all and then when she was upset he justified it by saying the version of your brother you knew died when he started doing drugs. WHO GIVES A FUCK?! IF SHE DIDNT WANT HER BROTHER TO DIE YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO IILL HIM. Then he had the fucking audacity to say that him being alive would be putting her in danger as if her being married to the goddamn mafia boss isn’t dangerous.

I’m not even exaggerating they didn’t have a single conversation just the two of them without it ending with them fucking. They barely spent anytime together outside the bedroom. She spent time with his sister during the day and he worked and then every night they fuck?

She constantly says shit like “I have to be stubborn or you’ll walk all over me” BITCH YOU SHOULD BE RENAMED DOORMAT WITH HOW MUCH THIS MAN STEPPED ALL OVER YOU !!

Oh I forgot the best fucking part! After she tried to escape after finding out she’s pregnant because she was terrified he would have he raped by his men (which he threatened her with once she becomes “useless”) he locks her in a room with nothing but a bed and a bathroom and she gets so sick that she has to be hospitalized. She wakes up and is terrified of him and he’s telling his friend that he feels like shit and wants to fix it. Ya know what he does in the next fucking chapter… he stands in front of her with his hand basically on another woman’s ass in his home then smirks and walks away with the girl. And says “I wanted to get back at her for trying to leave me” as if he hasn’t put her through enough!! Then he comes to her room and demands she come to his bed and then you guessed it again he fucks her after she’s yelling no because she thinks he fucked that girl and he wasn’t wearing a condom with her. Then he says “it’s only you” and of course the doormat caves and it’s like none of it even happened.