natblevins's reviews
483 reviews

Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

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I've changed my mind about this book. it was very meh! and not sure if I will be reading the 2nd book.
Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini

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I was annoyed and bored while reading this, nothing much happened and I felt so detached from the characters, sometimes I would start to wander and find excuses to put the book down. the world-building confused me at times and the plot it's pretty obvious, you can only guess how it ends :/
The Lady of the Storm by Kathryne Kennedy

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well, this is disappointing. I couldn't even finish it.

the story was slow and less interesting than the first book. also I don't feel like the rebellion is doing much in fighting the enemy, but mostly sitting around, plotting and talking. and this goes for the first book as well but since these are heavy on the romance at least The Fire Lord's Lover was saucy enough to keep me entertained. where in this case Cecily and Giles were boring together or apart, and their lovey-dovey moments were a pure eye-rolling fest.

I missed the other characters and the only chapters I (sort of) liked were the ones with Lady Casandra and Lord Mor'ded were in. :/
A Whole New World by Liz Braswell

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definitely a much darker re-telling of Aladdin. and although the concept was intriguing, it just felt flat, I found it hard to care about anyone or anything.
Rotters by Daniel Kraus

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I put this book down for a while hoping to pick it up again but the more I though about it, the more I didn't want to. I was intrigued at first but it got tediously long and I was losing interest. this book just wasn't for me.
Survive the Night by Danielle Vega

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2.5 • this was all kinds of twisted. there's one thing I wonder though, why couldn't they use their phones this whole time? nobody mentioned anything about not having any service, so why?

but what the hell ... this was fun!
Forever Red by Margaret Stohl, Karol Sijka

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I'll start by saying that I know nothing about Black Widow, zip, zero, nada. and yet I felt intrigued to read this book, for reasons I will never know.

now, I found this book kind of boring. everything felt so unrealistic. the romance was so bleh and so rushed, I felt nothing. it wasn't a bad book, just simply not my cup of tea.

Maximum Ride: The Manga, Vol. 1 by James Patterson

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the problem is that I don't like manga. this is my second attempt and nope, wasn't feeling it.