nathaniacalaee's reviews
193 reviews

The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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So who was going to tell me to read this sooner… 
Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler

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Great story, I just didn’t connect to the characters
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center

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I ate this up!! Him dropping to his knees had me gagged 😂 this was the most romcom book of all romcom books! the ending got a little crazy to say the least... but I still loved it! 
We'll Prescribe You a Cat by Syou Ishida

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✨ first I want to say thank you to the publisher, the author, and NetGalley for giving me an arc copy in exchange for my honest review ✨

this took me quite a long time to finish and it is not because this book is bad by any means; however, I don't like short stories... it is completely my fault because I didn't realize this was a short story collection. For that reason, I will not be rating this book (it's only fair). I was able to get through the book which I think is a good indicator that I enjoyed it to some sort of capacity, but it was incredibly slow-paced in my opinion and I was bored at parts. 

another reason I will not be rating this book is because I am in a major book slump, so that may have greatly impacted my rating as well. all love to this author, I will definitely try out another book by them when I am NOT in a reading slump and if it is not a short story collection, just because I can tell the writer has potential 😙
Taming 7 by Chloe Walsh

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Im gonna keep this short and sweet considering I wrote a long explanation as to why I DNFed the book, but look at me now… 

1. Where was the editor? 
2. Who were the main characters? Lizzie and Gibsie or Claire and Gibsie? If you guessed the latter… YOU ARE INCORRECT 😁!! 
3. I was bored until the last 20% tbh… 
4. Back to point 1, tell me why I read the same thing told in a different font in the same chapter… EVERY. SINGLE. CHAPTER. Chloe pls I’m begging WHERE WAS THE EDITOR?! 
5. I had a feeling I wouldn’t like this book and the main reason is because I wanted Hughie and Lizzie’s book to go first. Why? SO THIS ENTIRE BOOK WOULDNT HAVE HAPPENED!! 😄 Chloe completely lost sight of who her own book characters were and created this… 😃 I know she can write an entertaining and enjoyable and emotional— without ruining character arcs— book because I READ FOUR OF THEM!! But she quite literally lost the plot… 
6. I did like one thing about this book… THE JOEYAOIFE AND JOHNNYSHANNON CRUMBS!!! They were the only thing that kept me going…

Who knows if I’ll continue this series. If this book told me anything it’s that I just have to reread books 1-4 if I want to have a grand ole time 🥳

Don’t hate me this is just my opinion 😍😍🥰🥰
The Moth & the Flame by Renée Ahdieh

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