nathaniacalaee's reviews
219 reviews

My Fault by Mercedes Ron

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  • Loveable characters? No


I wanted to make a video on this book, so y'all could understand the disgust and frustration I felt whilst reading this novel, however, to my dismay, it will not, could not & should not happen! Everything in this book is disgusting, pathetic, gross, and nothing a human being should ever read. I have this book to blame for throwing me in the WORST reading slump known to man! I would rate this book a one, but that is just too high. I hate myself for even believing this would've been a goofy book to poke fun at like The Pucking Wrong Number, but OHHHH was I wrong!
How could the author try to make NICK LEISTER redeemable?! HE IS A RAPIST AND A PREDATOR LET'S CALL IT AS IT IS! He is not romantic. He is not sexy. He deserves to be thrown in jail for the HEINOUS CRIMES he has committed in this book. THE WORST PART is that there is a scene where an officer questions Nick and Noah's relationship, but just lets Nick go. DID I SEE THAT RIGHT?! DO MY EYES DECEIVE ME?! I cannot believe that! Nick is supposed to be some sexy man that just cannot control himself around Noah, but he is the equivalent to an animal. A disgusting, dirty one. Whichever comes to mind as you read that is the correct one :) And don't let me get started on the AUDACITY the author had to add SMUT SCENES in this book. Nick is 22. Noah is 17. I actually just gagged. Does that seem appropriate to you?
  I could go on and on about how this book is genuinely gross, but I am getting a physical headache thinking about this book, hence, why I cannot even make the video anymore.  I have no one to blame but my curiosity for thinking this would've been a goofy book. This is your sign to start reading the synopsis for a book to save yourself money and time. 

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Hook Shot by Kennedy Ryan

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
Wow! Kennedy Ryan did it again… I dnfed another one of her books 🥹 I feel so incredibly bad for some reason. I had such high expectations and the book didn’t seem bad, but I think the mix of me being in a reading slump and the book having a slower burn was just not good for me in the moment… ALTHOUGH I WILL TRY AGAIN WITH KENNEDY RYAN I JUST NEED A COUPLE WEEKS WHEN IM OUT OF THE SLUMP! 
The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
I just couldn’t get into it. I wish I could because I enjoyed Long Way Down and I heard this was similar, but I just wasn’t really into this story or the poems. The formatting just made me bored and knowing I had 300+ pages left was incredibly discouraging. Not bad but just not for me and I will definitely not be picking this up again. 
Same Time Next Year by Tessa Bailey

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Wow! I knew that I wasn’t going to like Tessa Bailey books but my book slump pushed me to desperate measures… I should’ve just stayed desperate 😄
What If... I Love You by Yvonne Marie

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
I don’t know what is going on, but all of the books I’m trying to read just keep losing me and I hate to say it but I’m falling into a reading slump… This book isn’t even bad, however, the dialogue was odd. It felt uncomfortable in a way which seems so strange because that’s never been a deal breaker for me, but it was so awkward. There is autistic rep— the FMC has autism— in here and from what I had read so far, it seemed fairly well written! : A Royal Romance by R.J. Stevens

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 32%.
No. No. No. That’s it. 
The Fake Out by Stephanie Archer

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Super specific rating… i know BUT this book was significantly better than the first. I felt like the end dragged a slight bit, but it wasn’t enough to make me hate this. Rory is the ultimate book boyfriend!! He had me giggling and kicking my feet! And Hazel is stunning! ALSO THE EPILOGUE AHHHH I NEED BOOK THREE RIGHT NEOW 😆😆
Lipstick & Camera Clicks by D.J. Murphy

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The way this book ended is actually criminal! 😆 I have absolutely no words… this would’ve been a 4+ star but THE END?! JAILLLLLLLLL 🥰 I will be reading the next book whenever that comes out because Kade is the loml 🫶🏾
Take a Chance by Miyeko May

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Cute little read that took me 40 minutes to get through! I wish I read this in summer though because it has perfect summer vibes to it 🥰