nymphelit's reviews
138 reviews

The Rabbit Hutch by Tess Gunty

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 Boring.... Yawning... Sloppy……… LAZY 
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

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okaaaay maybe i’m just more of a manhattan girl or smth idk
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

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so this is what happens when a twitch streamer takes his god complex Too Far
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

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ill make sure to get my anatomy masters degree and a therapy session after finishing this series 
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

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gideon being the most unserious idgaf war winner is so important to me actually
The Tempest by William Shakespeare

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thank you for giving birth to g_witch 
Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson

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i will constantly be amazed by shirley's mind and her prose, the way she writes makes me feel like i am walking inside of a huge spiral, trying to unwrap the meaning behind each one of her words with my every step. she makes me question every line and every thought of the main character, because after all, your enemies will always come from the same place as your friends do.  
The Gadfly by E.L. Voynich

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im freeee worst experience of my life
War of the Foxes by Richard Siken

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i picked it up with an assurance of absolutely loving it. the theme, the implications, the symbols - everything about it screamed "me" and how perfect it would be for my taste, but i think the desire to like this book was bigger then my actual enjoinment while reading it, sadly.