oceaneanagonye's reviews
186 reviews

Don't You Dare by CE Ricci

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Hmm...We love a good best friends-to-lovers story. We do not love a "best friend abandoning their lover when they need them more than ever, then comes back with minimal groveling and effort once the smoke clears" story. The big climactic, dramatic reveal took the wind out of my sails. I was low-key hoping Keene would find a different, worthy partner.
Something About Us by Riley Hart

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I'm not a fan of all the repetition of phrases throughout the book. The relationship was interesting, and there was a lot of character development. It did have a relatively realistic pace and feel to it. However, something just never clicked with Lucky. Something about his character (his desire for a boring, easy life, maybe? Or needing to run home and get pushed out of the nest again by mom?) kept me from connecting with him. I don't think it'll stand out in my memory as anything special, and the ending just didn't land right. Might just be a "me" problem.

Would I read this duet again if I could travel back in time to before I picked it up?
Gravity by Tal Bauer

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I'll come back and write an intelligent review when I'm done swooning.