onetrackmind77's reviews
639 reviews

A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab

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A step down from the first book, and while I wouldn't say that A Gathering Of Shadows was a disappointment, I will say that it was definitely lacking the punch that the first book had. In fact, this second book felt like filler, or at least the set up for the big finale to come. I was hoping for more, and hopefully it all pays off with the third and final book in the series.
Wanderers by Chuck Wendig

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An epic apocalyptic story, and one definitely of these times. Climate change, pandemic, white supremacy and Trump style politics disguised as "patriotism". Absolutely terrifying.
It by Stephen King

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First of all, the audio narration by Steven Webber was absolutely amazing. His voice acting for some of the scenes in this book brought this to another level...try listening to the section about Bev and her boyfriend Tom, and not feel a little sick from the tension. Easily one of my favorite audiobook narrations.

Second, this story...oh man...this is King at his peak in Horror. The books that he publishes these days are not truly horror...but, this is where King earned his reputation. I originally read this as a kid, and loved the new adaptations, but this read was still completely engrossing. King's characters have a life of their own, and even side stories with minor characters are still captivating.
Nothin' to Lose: The Making of Kiss (1972-1975) by Gene Simmons, Ken Sharp, Paul Stanley

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The story of Kiss, with the struggles and determination to succeed against all odds, is truly inspiring. The band, the road crew, management, and record label put themselves on the line through those early days, and fought hard for the recognition they deserve.
War Against the Mafia by Don Pendleton

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How is it that I grew up as an avid reader in the 70's and 80's, and yet I had never heard of the Mack Bolan series The Executioner? I loved Dirty Harry, Death Wish, First Blood and the other violent revenge movies of that time, and The Executioner takes me back to those days. The book is a very black and white, "good" vs "evil" story, and it certainly delivers on that simple premise of men's action novels...blow shit up and sleep with hot women. Nothing deep...just some good friendly violent fun.
The Cider House Rules by John Irving

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My second John Irving book, and it failed to meet the expectations set with A Prayer For Owen Meany. Still a good book and compelling story, but man what a sad lot of characters with very few rays of sunshine.
Air & Dust by John F.D. Taff

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Book Three in the series and The Fearing continues to deliver. This has been a great apocalyptic ride, capturing the fears and horrors of mankind. With Book Three the stage is being set for the finale, and I for one, can't wait to see how this wraps up with the next book.