onlineleah's reviews
145 reviews

The Martian: Classroom Edition by Andy Weir

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Amazing. It had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I first heard about the movie on IMDB and then found out it was based on a book, so I checked it out, bought it from water stones and couldn't put it down. I'll admit, there were some times when it was a bit slow, but he was stranded on Mars so what are you going to do? You really have to read the book to fully understand it, I mean there is a lot of science involved, but it was absolutely incredible. Loved it!
Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami

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I’m mad. this book left a bitter taste in my mouth. While I can appreciate it’s beauty in the sense that it talks about loneliness, heart ache and sometimes the description/metaphors are beautiful, it made me tired. parts of this book were so useless that I wanted to rip my hair out, whole sections that didn’t add anything to the story? and then suddenly there’s a fantasy section? hello? I don’t understand at all. For ages people have been telling me to read murakami and now I don’t want to read his work ever again. I hope this is just a one off, I had so much hope - I really wanted to enjoy this :(

also, side note, is it just me or is the way he describes sex and sexual desire so dry and clinical? perhaps it’s the way it’s been translated