pagebypaigebks's reviews
120 reviews

Not If You Break Up with Me First by G.F. Miller

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This was a sweet story about growing up and all of the troubles that go along with it. My favourite part of this book was the character development. It was great to see the growth that each kid went through and how they changed as they learned more about each other. There was a bit of miscommunication, but it was needed for the story to progress. I enjoyed that this book not only focused on how relationships with friends change as you get older but also on how family relationships change. We got to explore how Eve and Andrew were impacted by what was happening at home and how it translated into their reactions. The writing style was fast and easy to follow, making this a quick read. Not If You Break Up With Me First is a story of growing up, changing friendships, and figuring out what it means to feel pressured by those around you.
The Manifestor Prophecy by Angie Thomas

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“Nothing is impossible. Even the word ‘impossible’ says, ‘I’m possible.’”

I was sent an ARC copy of this book by HarperCollins Canada in exchange for an honest review.

I've also posted this review on Instagram and my blog.

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Content Warnings: kidnapping, racism, grief, violence

Angie Thomas’ middle-grade debut is filled with adventure, action, and magical creatures! I enjoyed learning about the world of the Remarkables and their history. The plot was fast-paced and action-packed. All throughout we got to meet intriguing new characters and learn more about their myths and legends. The characters, especially Nic, were interesting to read about and added a great balance of humour and determination. There were a lot of great plot twists that kept me guessing, and the writing style was easy to follow. I listened to the audiobook and I definitely recommend it, the narrator does a great job of bringing the characters to life. All in all, a fun read and I’m excited to see what happens in book 2!

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By Any Other Name by Erin Cotter

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I had so much fun reading this book! There was action at every turn but it was also well balanced with slower and calmer scenes scattered throughout. As soon as I thought I knew which direction the plot was headed, it would suddenly change and go in an entirely different one than I was anticipating. It was so exciting! I also really enjoyed reading about our main character Will. He was relatable and very funny, making him a perfect character to narrate this story. The writing style was very easy to follow and even used some older words like betwixt instead of between to immerse you even more into the time period. I’ve saved so many great quotes while reading, there were a lot of lines that stood out to me. I liked the ending but there were a few open-ended plot points which I’d love to see explored in a sequel. I listened to the audiobook version which I’d definitely recommend! The narrator did a fantastic job bringing these dynamic characters to life. Filled with action, adventure, romance, and betrayal, By Any Other Name will grab ahold of your attention and refuse to let go.

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Hot Boy Summer by Joe Jiménez

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“This is for you. This is what life can be."

I'd like to thank Simon & Schuster for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I've also posted this review on Instagram and my blog.

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Content Warnings: homophobia, mention of domestic violence

This book definitely felt like summer! With a summery setting and exciting events, we follow Mac’s friend group through fun adventures. I enjoyed the commentary on toxic friendships and how difficult they can be. I appreciated the gradual progression in the discussion and how both sides were considered. This book was very much character-driven. There were some key plot points and actions however, we mostly focused on Mac’s development with his friend group. At times, I wish that the plot were a bit more fast-paced to keep the energy going. Throughout the course of the book, Mac gradually grows into the version of himself that he’s meant to be. It was heartwarming to follow along as he discovered what was important to him and the kind of person he wanted to be. All in all, Hot Boy Summer is centred around friendship, loyalty, and belonging.

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The City Beyond the Stars by Zohra Nabi

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“What are storytellers but time travellers, taking us somewhere only the stars can remember?“

I'd like to thank Simon & Schuster for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I've also posted this review on Instagram and my blog.

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Content Warnings: death, violence

We are immediately brought back into the action and intrigue of Zehaira in this book! Not only do we continue to explore the mysteries of book one, we are also introduced to new and even more complex storylines. I enjoyed how Yara's character grew and developed as she struggled to figure out what was right. Not only did Yara grow personally, but her relationships with her friends and family were also intriguing to read about. The plot kept me engaged and the action grabbed my attention right away. The magic and the rich history of the world of Zehaira were the main focus of this sequel, which made it even more immersive. Additionally, it was filled with both happy and stressful moments that created a balanced tone. The ending did tie up a few loose ends however there was one element that I would have changed.

Overall, The City Beyond the Stars is a story of heart, determination, and the power of friends and family.

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City of the Dead by James Ponti

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“Being small doesn’t scare me. Zero is small, but it’s the most powerful number of all.”

I'd like to thank Simon & Schuster for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I've also posted this review on Instagram and my blog.

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I loved getting to learn more about Kat in City of the Dead! The various puzzles and intricacies of this mission gave her a real chance to shine. The plot was exciting and full of action and plot twists that I couldn't see coming. Even though there is a large cast of characters, they each are so unique and exciting to read about. The writing style adapts and changes to match the personality of each of the City Spies and keeps you glued to the page. I really enjoyed learning more about Mother and his family, along with how Kat came into the City Spies. As this series continues, I definitely think that readers of all ages could enjoy it. With that exciting cliffhanger, I'm excited to read book 5 soon!
Forbidden City by James Ponti

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“Never forget that ‘ordinary’ is part of ‘extraordinary’, you can’t have one without the other.”

I'd like to thank Simon & Schuster for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I've also posted this review on Instagram and my blog.

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Content Warnings: kidnapping

Another fantastic instalment to the series! Just like the books before, Forbidden City was action-packed with intriguing puzzles, daring escapes, and great character development. I haven't read many books that feature a chess tournament before so that aspect was very interesting to learn about. The writing style immediately pulls you in. I could vividly picture each of the settings as the team travelled around the world for this complex mission. We got to learn even more about each character's backstory, including Mother, the leader of the City Spies. Their development makes you love each of the characters even more than before, and you can't help but be excited for them when they succeed. I really enjoy how every book centres around one of the kids in the City Spies, it gives each of them a chance to shine, while also featuring their relationships with the group. The plot was exciting at every turn and kept me on the edge of my seat, wanting more. As with the first two books, I definitely recommend the audiobook version! The narrator does a fantastic job bringing the City Spies to life.

All in all, Forbidden City was a whirlwind of excitement, action, and adventure!

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Keeping Pace by Laurie Morrison

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“There are hundreds of words to describe every possible shade of every colour - just look inside any big crayon box. Why are there never enough words for how things feel?”

I'd like to thank Wunder Kind PR for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I've also posted this review on Instagram and my blog.

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Content Warnings: grief, death of a parent (in the past)

Keeping Pace is a coming-of-age story that explores how complex relationships can be, and the struggles of perfectionism. I really enjoyed how much growth Grace went through as a character. Grace is very much a perfectionist and when she commits to something, she dives in head first. But this leads to conflicts in all aspects of her life. Most importantly, it leads to an inner conflict where Grace is beginning to equate how she does in school to how much value she has as a person. By putting herself out there and trying new things, she begins to unlearn some of these habits. Throughout the summer, Grace began to understand how to express her feelings and emotions better with her mother and sister which was very heartwarming to see. In addition to family relationships and friendships, there was also a cute romance side plot that was fun to read about. However, I wish we could have learned more about the side characters, like Grace's sister and cousin, and explored their stories a bit more. Even though there were many characters and side plots, the writing flowed nicely and was easy to follow, making the story feel cohesive as a whole.

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Walkin' the Dog by Chris Lynch, Chris Lynch

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“You cannot rewrite parts of life. Not even little parts. They all matter, and they all contribute to the whole of things.”

I'd like to thank Simon & Schuster for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I've also posted this review on Instagram and my blog.

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Content Warnings: animal death, mention of domestic violence, addiction, ill parents

Walkin' The Dog is a very emotional story about family, belonging, and of course, dogs. If you're planning on recommending this book to younger readers please check out my content warnings above as there are some heavy topics discussed. Overall, I enjoyed reading about Louis' journey toward self-confidence. Through his experience as a dog walker, he learned about how important it is to take action and be a positive contributor to his community. It also brought him closer to family and friends which he relied on for support throughout the book. At times I found the writing style to be a bit confusing and scattered which took me out of the story. The overall pacing of the story also felt somewhat disjointed with some chapters being very action-packed and fast, while others were very slow. My favourite parts of this book were the dogs. I loved learning about each of their personalities and how they interacted with their owners and Louis.

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The Ballad of Darcy and Russell by Morgan Matson

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“I’ve always believed in love at first sight.”

I'd like to thank Simon & Schuster for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I've also posted this review on Instagram and my blog.

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If you're looking for a book that'll put a smile on your face, pick this up! The Ballad of Darcy and Russell is equal parts an adorable rom-com and a journey about family. Both Darcy and Russell are going to college and each has their own struggles they're working through. I loved seeing how they came together and supported one another throughout the book. When they initially meet there is a "love at first sight" moment however, what I enjoyed the most about the romance was what came afterwards. They took time to get to know one another and focused on their self-growth. While the romance was really cute, I also enjoyed the family dynamics of each of the main characters. Both families have their problems and how they deal with them is very different. In terms of side characters, I loved reading about them and wished I could have gotten to know them a bit more. Even though the course of the book took place over a day, the pacing was very well done. It felt like the perfect amount of urgency without being too fast-paced. Speaking of, I actually binge-read this book all in one day 😂. With an adorable meet-cute, intriguing plot twists, and heartfelt moments, The Ballad of Darcy and Russell is the perfect feel-good rom-com to read this summer!