penniew79's reviews
241 reviews

Now Lila Knows by Elizabeth Nunez

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I am not one to never finish a book. I believe in trying to finish even some of the worst books I’ve read. Sadly this was my first, and hopefully only, DNF. I tried so hard to like it. I just couldn’t get into it. I made it all the way to the middle and it just was not getting any better.

I won this ebook through a Goodreads giveaway. My review is my own honest opinion.
Does It Hurt? by H.D. Carlton

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I was not sure if I would like this. I have many titles by this author that I’ve wanted to read. A friend gifted me this copy. When I opened it up and see a shark with the quote “move over baby shark, daddy shark is here now”, I was kind of worried what I had gotten myself into. I literally started this book at 9 am this morning and it’s close to 10 pm. So, it is easy to say that I could not put this book down.

Sawyer is on the run from the authorities. She tends to use guys along the way and steals their identities. Why is she on the run? Well, that would be an important spoiler. You do learn a little bit here and there.

She manages to go to Australia. She runs into a man named Enzo. She has no interest in him, because he doesn’t seem like someone she would want to steal an identity from. He works and swims with sharks. Somehow one day is going to end up with one heck of a twisted ride. So many dark things happen and have happened at that lighthouse. You are going to get a rollercoaster of twists and turns.

There are many triggers that I am not sure that I am allowed to really list on here. This is DARK!
Freedom and Fire by Courtney Thorne

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I had not read the first book, but was able to quickly get caught up to speed.

This book took me on a rollercoaster of emotions. It is written so well that you go through everything right there with Queen Aurelia!

Queen Aurelia is now free, but that doesn’t mean it will be easier for her now. She has to go through many tough decisions. Prince Alev, who is over the Fire Kingdom, invites her to his kingdom. She does accept and travels there. She goes through some attraction and feelings for him, but she keeps dreaming about a man she’s never met before. The kingdom keeps pushing for an engagement announcement but it could cause many issues.

No spoiler but the ending will give you a cliffhanger that will have you sobbing, or at least it had me sobbing.

I received this as an ARC to read. I was not influenced to give a good review. It’s my own honest opinion.
Her Soul to Take by Harley Laroux

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This book has some girth to it! And every bit of that girth is absolutely AMAZING! I have only read some of this author’s work, the LOSERS series, and I have to say this is so much better. It is a work of art! I got a cold while reading it, so it took me longer to finish. But once I felt better and picked it back up, I could not put it down until I had finished it! To say that I devoured this book is an understatement. It has magic. It has demons. It has Gods. It has mythical creatures. It has romance. It has ghosts. It has a cult. It has spice! It was just such a great story. This author delivered! I cannot wait to read the next book in this trilogy. And if you haven’t read the rerelease bonus chapter, IT IS A MUST! I laughed and cried through this book. I highly recommend it!
Scream For Us by Molly Doyle

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This was a fun little spicy read. I’m giving it four stars because it had an actual story and equal spice. I was hesitant to read this because so many dark romance novellas tend to be all spice and no story. But this one is perfectly done. I look forward to reading more from this author.
Saints & Sinners by Stacy Rush, Stacy Rush

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Stacy truly delivers on this book. It’s a big thick read which I love. And it is DARK!! So please make sure that you check out the trigger warnings. I personally do not have any triggers, but there’s some that almost got me, but it was so good I didn’t mind it. It’s a great academia dark romance for those who love these types! Highly recommend.
Death's Obsession by Avina St. Graves

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This book is beautifully written. It will make you fall in love with Death, not dying but death itself. Lillith is depressed after being in a car accident with her parents and her twin sister. She survived. They didn’t. Death met her that day and he becomes obsessed and in love with her. She is his soul mate. She thinks she is going crazy. She is trying to hold it together with a dead end job that barely makes her any money and a fiancé who has since become a major jerk since the accident. He’s staying with her to take what little money she makes to blow it on drugs. And I’m pretty sure he’s cheating on her. But the story goes with her trying to sort out if Death is real or an hallucination. Either way she’s falling in love.
Double Masked by Bridget Hale

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It’s rare that I enjoy a second book more than the first. But I really did enjoy this one. We get more of a backstory on everyone this time. And there’s romance and comedy mixed with spice and a little bit of a thriller. When I made it to the Epilogue, I was so sad because I had gotten so deep into reading that I didn’t notice it was near the end. And boy, what a cliffhanger. Book 3 where are you?! I need you asap! We need more Tango and more Alpha please!!