perpetualexistentialcrisis's reviews
41 reviews

One for My Enemy by Olivie Blake

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 4%.
To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods by Molly X. Chang

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truly the only book i've read that reads like an outline and notes for a much more interesting book. I can tell it was a passion project of the author and that she put a lot of her own heart and soul into it, but the execution just really didn't work for me
Your Blood, My Bones by Kelly Andrew

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This book was pretty good, everything was fine, except i wish i wish i wish the cat just hadn't been included. It's a personal thing/trigger for me ofc, and i didn't really know about it going into it, but i just wish the cat had been left out. Maybe Wyatt never had a cat to begin with. But reading at the end the cat curling up on you-know-who's grave to die was NOT what i needed. 

Overall this was really sweet, nostalgic, and an overall great read about how everything changes, you have to let go of the past, etc. I just. Cannot handle animal death ok

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A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 55%.
Allison Saft's writing is so pretty but this book is just,,,so boring. I loved a far wilder magic but this is just too meh for me. I also can't get over the fact that Niamh is basically Irish and Kit is basically British and Rosa liTERALLY SPOKE SPANISH but all the countries' names are changed like 😭 idk i think i'd just rather authors that do this make it the actual countries they're based off of but add magic to it or try a little bit harder to do some creativity with the world-building rather than just taking real world events and changing names. Idk if i'm explaining it right but it really got on my nerves with this book. And it's such a shame bc the cover is so pretty and Saft's writing is so good and i truly wanted to like it but i just can't do it anymore 😭
The King's Men by Nora Sakavic

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literally have never read anything before that made me feel the same way as my junior year of high school when my basketball team beat the top-ranked team in our district during the 2nd round of district tournament and then went on to win the championship and yet here i am. screaming crying throwing up. why did a sports series do this to me 😭
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic

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what a strange book. i need more
Out of the Darkness: The Germans, 1942-2022 by Frank Trentmann

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i listened to the audiobook and keep trying to import it onto here but it keeps not working :/ anyway this was good definitely what i was looking for but man did it reiterate what i learned while studying for my international studies degree: some of this stuff can be so interesting to learn, and then some of it makes you want to shove a oencil in your eye. i was overall pleased with this though and am happy that i got to listen to all 37 hours of it
Silver in the Bone by Alexandra Bracken

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i'm conflicted because the writing was objectively good but also it took me almost an hour to finish the last ~40 pages because the climax was the most boring part to me and i was really convinced i wasn't gonna read the next one when it comes out until i got to the twist at the end and now i don't know. anyway. i can at least credit this for reawakening the merlin hyperfixation