ploppyfields's reviews
313 reviews

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

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Good, but not great. I liked the writing style but had some trouble with the characters. The book was kind of reminding me of Uglies through the first half except the problem is love. But overall I enjoyed it and will be continuing on with this trilogy
Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

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Loved it a lot more than the first! Can't wait to see how Requiem turns out!
Love, Rosie by Cecelia Ahern

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Love, Rosie is written in the form of letters, cards, emails, and messaging. It was quite an interesting way to read. I think it fit this book perfectly. I loved seeing Rosie's life change as she grew older and how she went through different phases. And then there was also letters, cards, emails, and messaging from friends, family, and acquaintances. Ruby, Katie, and the Divorced Dubliners chat room people were my favorite characters. This book was a wonderful contemporary novel and highly recommend to be read.