poetry_drive's reviews
298 reviews

My Funny Demon Valentine by Aurora Ascher

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MMCs are sweet for being demons from Hell. Overall, the book was OK. I didn’t like the story or world enough to read the other books in this series though
When She's Bold by Ruby Dixon

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Did not finish book.
DNF - As much as I loved Lucy in the previous book, her sunshine was annoying and while I understand she was somewhat desperate, it was boring.
Viper by Naomi Lucas

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Did not finish book.
DNF @ 22%

I thought I would like this but the world building was ass-backwards from the beginning. I tried to follow it, realizing that everyone has their own style of world building, etc but then the MMC and FMC interacted and the “attraction” was just so random. The “resistance” from the FMC was pathetic and short lived. MMC gives supporting character vibes.
Eternally Damned by January Rayne

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I’m not typically into vampire/witches but this wasn’t horrible. It’s a hard one to skim, although I did do it a bit. Most of the writing was necessary to the story and setting up the scene, it was just really wordy.

The prologue was great, the author really packed a lot of action and setup into it. I actually would have loved to read that timeline instead.

FMC is fine, not spectacular but not boring either. MMC’s feels like a boy to me, so when he gets all “alpha” it’s laughable. The HEA was a little too convenient and rushed at the end, imo. Magic seems to just cure all the things and was a heavy crutch in propelling the story forward, which is unfortunate.

Spice: 5/5 there’s a lot of it and it’s ok. Spice was great at first but then was almost too much, too often. 40% spice and 60% story.
The Stopover by T.L. Swan

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4 stars just because of how stubborn the FMC was towards the MMC during the 3rd act breakup. Usually the MMC begs and the FMC gives in within a few paragraphs, but she really held out and lashed out at him emotionally with some pretty good digs. She also fucked up the roses he brought her so hell yes. I might need therapy.

Spice is good and well described so it’s not boring per se, but it was still very missionary for the most part. Could have been a little rougher, which would have better fit their dynamic and personalities.

Spice: 5/5
The Casanova by T.L. Swan

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The epilogue- hilarious.

It was cuter than book 2 but much more heart wrenching. I didn’t think much of Ell from the previous books, but I’ve got a soft spot for him now.

Spice: 5/5 although still a little vanilla. Still waiting for butt stuff in these novels.
Falls Like Rain by Reese Rivers

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BANGRY: angry because you’re not getting laid

Ummm on the horse?! MA’AM

I’m not typically a fan of small-town romances. As a city girl, I don’t typically relate to the culture of it but if it’s written by Rivers, I’ll read it because she’s a phenomenal writer that typically doesn’t disappoint.

While this wasn’t my favorite, it was a cute story with a warm-fuzzy HEA. It wasn’t as dark as I thought it might be, as the trigger warnings, while necessary, weren’t that deep.

MMCs are OK, Luke is by far my favorite, as he is the most devoted to her.
That One Night by Emily Rath

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This book has 17,509 five star reviews. HOW?

Rachael is a basic af, pumpkin spice latte, crystals-are-healing, I’m-my-own-boss MLM-loving ass bitch. Jake is every other mediocre white male that plays hockey but thinks he’s the GOAT. 1 star because the spice itself was good. If only you could take everything else out.

Irredeemable quotes:

“I’m a total zodiac girl, and I believe in signs. I also believe in energy. He’s a good person—kind and compassionate. He’s a giver.” -Ma’am—you just met him in the hotel bar 10 pages ago.

“I see his face flicker with five emotions at once—anticipation, confusion, need.” -I’m no mathematician, but that’s only 3.

“I’m reminded all over again that I am so deliciously straight.” -What the ever-loving fuck is this line?

“She’s clearly gagging for it.” -Of all the words in existence, *gagging* is the one you landed on, huh?

“God, this scent is my catnip. My pussynip, comes the stupid thought.” -Stupid is exactly how I would describe this poor attempt at comedic relief.
Stuffed by Sylvia Morrow

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The FMC’s phobias were different than anything I’ve read before, but I totally empathize. The backstory of the MMC didn’t totally make sense but I truly do not care. There could have been no explanation and I still would have continued reading.

I need artwork STAT for Ori, during all development stages because I just could not get my brain to picture it at 1AM lol.

Spice was great, even the solo sessions.