quietsigns's reviews
175 reviews

Tarantula by Bob Dylan

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felt the same way about tarantula as i did scary movie which is to say i appreciated them but i also think they could be used as effective torture methods 
Ion by Plato

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i disagree! poetry is innately human and very much an art! we are our own inspirations! every decision we make leads up to every word we write! we are weaved into our poems like fibres in thread!
Bluets by Maggie Nelson

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occasionally there are splotches of beauty, just like the blue hair dye stains left behind on my pillows, but beyond the hue, it's all just a bunch of yapping. kind of like a wikipedia for the colour blue, in that it assembles random facts and provides no further thought, but the webpage has been hacked and sometimes has a nice passage, but more often it contains just gross and/or weird sec fantasies that definitely should have stayed in nelson’s drafts. gets really good near the end but it can't make up for the slop elsewhere. could've been an incredible epic poem with a LOT of further editing.
Darker Than the Deepest Sea: The Search for Nick Drake by Trevor Dann

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overall a pretty good book especially on the enigma that was nick drake. unequal effort put into different parts of his life but it was entertaining but i would read a sixty year old rancid napkin if it had nick's residue on it, anything for my pookie