r00sevelt's reviews
53 reviews

Woke Church: An Urgent Call for Christians in America to Confront Racism and Injustice by Eric Mason

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I hope to read this book again. I think it's the book that the church needs to face the injustices we all witness today. the church has a unique responsibility in looking forward to the new city and working to usher his kingdom here on earth. Pastor E. has a hopeful tone and offers practical things that his church is doing.
You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit by James K.A. Smith

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We are more than what our education thinks of us. we are people who are shaped by our loves. this book is great for beginning to think of ourselves and loving beings before we are thinking beings. Hope you get to read this book sometime!
Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon

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I think about this book a lot since I finished it. There's so much to unpack. Being black, heavy with weight and sexually related trauma is hard. It caused me to unearth some moments that I had growing up that dealt with sex and being black. My upbringing wasn't much like his but i can relate to some of the things that his mom took him through.