Listen Listen Listen Listen I know I said that I’m growing out of YA but I take it back. This was so cute. Did I take a star off for the infamous “I love you” drop before they’ve even known each other a full 3 weeks? Yes, but, so is life. This was fun, and heartfelt, and the ending was what my sappy little heart needed today
I will say that this was definitely a fun little fantasy stand alone to read but I think it just felt a little too perfectly tied up at the end. I’m thinking as I get older YA is starting to feel a little more…YA
Do I love this series? Yes Did I almost DNF it for getting second hand embarrassment so bad I stood in the middle of my hallway like a demented statue with my mouth wide open because there’s simply no way T.J Klune could have written something as horrendous and terrifying as connecting to the Bluetooth like that? Yes.
Klune I will have you know you won’t be forgiven for what you have put me through
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I was so ready to be disappointed in this book because I guessed the plot twist in chapter one.
I was pleasantly stood corrected
1. I shockingly love Nick. The only difference between him and my neurodivergent adhd besties in real life is I can wrangle my neurodivergent besties. I just had to watch this poor boy fly off the deep end without any wrangling. Still, some may find him obnoxious, I find him kind of adorable. 2. I just love superheroes. The plot really took off for me and I was invested in Nicks ability to discover everything I discovered within the first three chapters for himself. 3. It’s just wholesome 4. I love a good friends to lovers
I’ve never been a non-fiction girly but so far this year has changed that for me. Such a great collection of essays. I felt so seen and I felt so connected to the stories being told on life as a black woman. This is definitely what I needed.
I literally saw the plot twist coming as soon as peoples shit started going missing and that’s even what possessed me to give this 2 stars. Like tell me why the secrets everyone told were one dimensional. None of these people had personality other than having money or a lack thereof. So much went wrong and it had nothing to do with the original antagonist’s scheme. I just- And the mom at the end I’m sorry, this was just not good
This book was incredibly captivating. Yes, just like these girls seemed to have these extreme chokehold on their friendships, this book had a chokehold on me. I was intoxicated with how intoxicated they were with each other. Toxic relationships can start with those that we have with our family’s, but it can also start with the way we treat our friends. Girls are taught to socialize and be social creatures but aren’t warned at a young age of the severity we will hold onto those relationships. With morbid twist this book finds a fantastic way to capture just how badly girls get wrapped up in each other and each others lives and emotions so instantly and intensely.
Unfortunate. I really wanted to like this book because I’ve liked the April Henry books I’ve read in the past, but this really didn’t do it for me. The writing style felt juvenile. The concept felt like some off brand version of the book Misery (which, ok, if that was the goal, I understand. The actual book Misery might be a bit too much. But even then…it’s YA. Not middle grade.) not to mention, there were so many things that felt over explained. Like I’m pretty sure we know what the dark web is. This book would have benefited from being entirely in Bridget’s point of view. The multiple point of views destroyed the mystery/thriller component of this book entirely. Again, it’s too bad, cause I really have like other April Henry books. Maybe I’m getting old.