readingromancehea's reviews
716 reviews

Mine by Sara Fields

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Maci has a party at her house. That night she gets in the car with her drunk crush. The guy ends up crashing his car and she gets arrested. She calls her godfather Nikolaos for help. He flies there to help her. When Nikolaos sees her everything changes. The fire has been lit. What happens now?

Maci is such a sweet innocent girl at first. Nikolaos definitely brings dark and broody to a new level. I hate how when she takes a gap year that's when people want to hang out with her since she's seen as a rebel now. It's cute how the world stops when Nikolaos first sees Maci. What happened to Maci isn't right and I'm so glad Nikolaos's team found her. I'm not a fan of time jumps but it worked in this case. The ending was perfect. 

What a wild ride this story was. All the twists and turns was epic. I'll definitely read more from Sara. 
Honeysuckles by January Rayne

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DNF. This just isn't for me.
Obsession (A Possessive Man Book 5) by Lena Little

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An agency flew Carolina all the way to Rome to be a nanny. When she gets there everything goes horribly wrong. While running away, she ends up running up to a random stranger and begging him for help. What happens when your hero becomes obsessed with you?

I think it's awful how all the events started. Carolina shouldn't have had to literally climb a random stranger like a tree begging him to save her. I do like how Carlito didn't even have to look in her eyes, he already knew she would be his. It's nice that Carolina felt so comfortable around Carlito that she fell asleep in his car. Carolina can run but she will never be able to hide from Carlito. 

This was a cute read. I love the ending. Definitely wish it was longer. I would've loved to see a few things play out on paper. 
Eternally Damned by January Rayne

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Alexander was bitten by a werewolf. A bite from a werewolf puts vampires in a coma until their beloved saves them. After 121 years Alexander's beloved Maven shows up. Hes a ghost to her. Maven brings a game board to communicate with him so they can try to coexist. What will happen when Maven finally finds Alexander and sets him free? 

It's horrible how Alexander only exists when Maven's around. I hate that he's put back in the darkness he's so afraid of when she's gone. I felt bad when she would hear his voice in public and think she was losing it. How cute is it that she brings out the game board to communicate with him! I was shocked at how strong their connection got. I love how drawn to that house Maven was her whole life. I'm obsessed with Pa and Dottie. That ending was a lot. 
Somnia by Kady Ash

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Luna gets thrown in prison for her sister’s bad choices. Luna finally gets released early and her friend Adriel is there for her! He made room in his home for her and made sure there was a lock on her bedroom door. He has sexsomnia and doesn't want Luna to be scared of him. What happens if one night she unlocks the door?

I adore the cute nicknames Adriel uses for Luna. Luna shouldn't have had to go to prison for her sister's crime. It's so sweet how Adriel let's her stay with him. I love how Adriel didn't want Luna to be scared of him, so he put a lock on her door to keep him away. Any game that involves alcohol is usually not a good idea. I do wonder what weird places Adriel has woken up in when he has his episodes. This was an okay read. 
Teach Me, Mr. Cole by Tessa Klein

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Brooklyn has always had a crush on Mr. Cole. She decided she was going to transfer schools to be closer to him. On the first day of Mr. Cole's seminar Brooklyn is leaving the bathroom when she's knocked over by none other than Mr. Cole. How do you shock your crush? You show up, after years of being away, to win their heart. 

It says a lot how Brooklyn moved thousands of miles back home just to get Mr. Cole to notice her. I love how speechless Mr. Cole was when he first saw Brooklyn. That seminar was embarrassing for Brooklyn. It's cute how she didn't take any notes because she was so infatuated with Mr. Cole. I adore how possessive Mr. Cole felt when Theo looked at Brooklyn. It's great how Brooklyn is not only in his class but she'll be living with him since her best friend is his daughter. It felt very rushed at the end. Still a good read. 
Enjoying the Show by Marie Harte

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Hailey and her friends have been watching this stranger in his apartment across the way every Friday night. It's their girls night routine. One night this stranger catches them watching. He sees Hailey going to her car and stops her. What will she do now that she's been caught?

It's hysterical how the girls call Gage "Mr. Tool". It's nice how Hailey has a girls night with her friends. I like how Hailey thinks about Gage more than just on Fridays. I jumped when Gage stopped her. What Gage did to get Hailey to go on a date with him is not something I was expecting. Their date was cute. I adore Gage's family. The ending was nice. It's a cute short read. 
Trouble by Meghan Hollie

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Indie has been alone for years. Once her grandmother died she was put in to the system. Everyone in her life has left so she thinks people are always going to. Indie meets Seb over the summer and he left without a word. What happens when she runs into him again? She uses her sass of course.

The day Indie moves into the dorms was a wild ride. I'm obsessed with Indie's attitude and sass. I wish I had it. I love who Indie's roommate is. They're so different but so perfect. It's funny how Seb just shows up everywhere Indie is. Even  when he's drunk he finds her. It's very true when Indie says that socializing is exhausting. I love Seb's family. The ending was nice. Not one of my favorites but still good.
The Teacher of Nothing by K Webster

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Callum doesn't want to be anything like his father. Callum's dad stole his high school girl friend and knocked her up. Now Callum is obsessed with his student, Willa. Callum feels like he's doing what his father did. How can Willa change his way of thinking?

Callum's unquenchable thirst for Willa is intoxicating. I want to melt when Willa blushes. With them trying to hide their attraction to each other, their flirting was on point. I would honestly be enraged if I saw what Callum saw on Levi's phone. I love that since Willa's mom won't fight for her Callum will. The email Callum sends is sweet and to the point but also puts the ball in Willa's court. Callum making Levi seem small is the best. That bathroom scene had me going crazy! I love Callum's family. I did enjoy this one.
Older Hotter Grumpier by Evie Rose

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Ella thinks her boss Rafe has left for his annual Wednesday appointment. Since Rafe isn’t there she thinks it’s a good idea to read her book. What she doesn’t know is Rafe hasn’t left. He calls her name from behind her. Busted. 

I love Rafe’s nickname for Ella. The second Ella said she was going to read her book at work I knew it would be a disaster. When Rafe popped up behind Ella my jaw dropped. The office scene wasn’t what I expected at all. I love the fact that Rafe knows Ella’s size. The jewelry is priceless. What a perfect ending.