readingtomydogs's reviews
936 reviews

Death Takes Me by Cristina Rivera Garza

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 13%.
I didn’t care for the experimental chapters and it was a little too vague in referring to who “you” was. Just not for me.
Dictee by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 55%.
I appreciated the story and the interesting structure, but it was too much to figure out and follow. I just didn’t have the brain space to try. 
Some Trick: Thirteen Stories by Helen DeWitt

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 41%.
Some of the stories were to esoteric/technical, or they were just OK
The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi

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I really like the tools and techniques mentioned in the book, very practical and very useful. I do think the mention of God was not necessary as it was only sprinkled one or two times throughout the book and the last three minutes. Not relevant to what she was talking about and could only serve to isolate readers who are not Christian. (Like me)