redrumreads's reviews
304 reviews

The Crescent Moon Tearoom by Stacy Sivinski

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 'The Crescent Moon Tearoom' is a cozy fantasy about three sisters with the power to read tea leaves who have little time to address the family curse pulling them in differing directions

First things first, the food and drink imagery in this book is perfection. You will absolutely want a baked good and a cup of tea by your side. Every sister is so wildly different that you wont have a tough time resonating with one of them. Ever growing powers, the song of the circus, and the draw of writing a book are just some of the directions in which these girls are being pulled all while trying to help The Council of Witches.

This book should be on everyone's Fall list. Cozy Fantasy is best read in the fall in my opinion so this gem will be out right on time - October 1st!

Thank you to @atriabooks for providing me with this ARC 
Natural Beauty by Ling Ling Huang

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 Who sets the beauty standard?

In this book, it’s the company ‘Holistik’ where the beauty is NOT in the eye of the beholder but in the eye of Victor… the founder.

Enter our nameless main character, an Asian American woman in need of funds to help her parents, who becomes enthralled with the way this company sells perfection in a bottle. She starts her job there along with all the “health and wellness requirements” that go along with it.
Sure, her hair may be turning blonde and theres not a blemish on her but how could that be dangerous? Right?

‘Natural Beauty’ takes a look at consumerism, western beauty standards, self-confidence, and the underbelly of companies that claim they can sell you self love.

I loved the weird atmosphere but it wasn't so much of a fever-dream that I missed the deeper meaning. I am really pleased with this whole book, especially the ending 
The Bookshop From Hell by David Haynes

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 What a clever, frightening, gross story.

Now.. I love the idea of a horror bookstore. Just preferably not a cursed one.
These characters were super fun to follow and watch how their bitter ends unfolded 
Oracle by Thomas Olde Heuvelt

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 There is a difference between a favorite book and a favorite author in my mind. Thomas Olde Heuvelt is a favorite author. I have now read all of his books that have been translated thus far. I pray to Nunyunnini that there are many, many more to come.

Thomas has a way of storytelling that is hard to come by in horror. His stories are poetic and meaningful with a lot of heart. Although his books are haunting and dreadful, I also feel like i’m reading a love letter. I mean come on, a hundreds of years old ghost ship set amongst a tulip field? I want that tattooed on me.

Robert Grim is such a grumpy yet charming character and the bond he formed with Luca gave hope throughout the book.
The North Sea itself is terrifying to me and all of the imagery in this book was unsettling and downright scary for me.

‘Echo’ now has some competition for my favorite. Mountains or the Sea… which is more unnerving?? 
Made for You by Jenna Satterthwaite

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 I think this is my favorite thriller book i’ve ever read

'Made For You' is some of the most fun I have had while reading in such a long time.
Julia is a Synth, basically an Al robot so real she can bleed and get pregnant. She was designed for one thing.. to participate on a show similar to the Bachelor.
Well, she wins. Now it's a year later and the beloved bachelor turned husband is missing and guess who the top suspect is?

This book is told in past and present POVs so we are living through Julia's time on the show, as well as the search for her husband over a year later.

I haven't read a book this fast in a long time. We're mixing reality tv with sci-fi with murder mystery with political debates over autonomy with women's empowerment.

I honestly cant believe this is Jenna's debut novel. It's so well done and she's definitely an author to keep your eye on for future reads. Oh! And I could not stop picturing Julia as a young Rachelle Lefevre

This book comes out July 2nd, and it's worth the pre-order. Thank you so much Mira and HTP books for the ARC ♥️ 
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland

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This was like a fairytale that seems sweet on first glance but was festering with decay underneath 

These are my favorite types of horror stories. It was engulfing and has just the right amount of terror but it was beautiful at the same time. The nature elements were executed perfectly. I felt like I could taste Grey's pungent perfume and see the Wisteria coming to life

I was not expecting the final uncovering of the truth. What a horrifyingly sad twist!
Lakewood by Megan Giddings

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 What an unnerving read. I have yet to read anything like it.
Government medical experiments, NDAs, so many secrets - and many fever dreams

I LOVED how we were viewing the story through the eyes of of the FMC and her letters to her bestfriend. Although it allowed for a confusing narrative, it made it so much more engrossing and suspenseful.

I wish we would have maybe gotten the POV of one of the doctors or observers as well. I wanted MORE. A lot of questions go unanswered in this one. I have my theories though.

Still a real good thought-provoking story. 
The Vacation by John Marrs

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 My least favorite John Marrs so far- It didn't grab me like The One series has.

However, it's John Marrs so I want to read any of everything he writes 
The In Between by Hadley Vlahos

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 this was a great insight on the hospice process - Hadley seems so kind and caring 
Breach : Lost In a World No Longer Her Own by Candace Nola

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 A 'Silent Hill' meets 'Alice in Wonderland' type of story

The monsters and creatures the FMC meets along her journey in this new world are so imaginative. It's frightening from the viewpoint of being alone in a world you have no conception of but it's also exciting to see what type of character we will meet next.

The ending of this book was so unexpected. A twist I absolutely never saw coming.