A beautiful palate cleanser, fast paced, funny and tense especially near the end. My main guilty pleasure is reality-TV, and the part which focuses on the competition just before the horrors starts is just as much fun!
Samantha Allen made incredible characters who you'll love to hate. All of them felt so distinct. Even with a 5 way split pov, every character has their own voice.
My single issue is actually with Renee's character. She's supposed to be the main character but we get to spend little time with her. I wish the book was a bit longer so Renee's (very cool) character arc would feel less rushed. This would also ad more padding to the ending. I'll chalk that up to this book being a fiction debut though! I will definitely pick up any future horror novels Samantha Allen writes.
Too slow, it did not manage to grip me. Kept picking up other books that were more intriguing. Prose felt a bit pretentious at times. Bummer because the premise is awesome. Maybe someone who likes slow paced books will like this. I might give it a second chance later.
I read this in its original Dutch and it really highlighted the province VS. Big city struggle I recognise myself in.
Furthermore I liked how this book was not afraid to get weird. It has stuff to say about classism, the corporate mill and mental health. Who knew printers were such excellent metaphores!
De tekening in dit boek zijn fenomenaal. Prachtig! En oprecht 5 sterren waard. Wat oneerlijk dat ze naast zulke belabberde "poëzie" staan.
Dit is een boek voor 10+, middle grade dus. Maar de schrijfster weet zich daar geen raad mee. Die kiest voor hele vreemde volwassen onderwerpen en woorden, en willekeurige Engelse zinnen. Een rijmschema is ook nergens te vinden. (Een zin op een willekeurige plek afbreken maakt nog geen gedicht). Nergens gaat de poëzie echt de diepte in, maar educatief en informatief is het ook niet. Het valt compleet tussen wal en schip. Niet leuk en ergens zelfs volledig ongeschikt voor kinderen, ondermaats voor volwassen poëzie liefhebbers.
Looking at other reviews, I think this book might be severely misunderstood. Usually, when reading fantasy with oppressive governmental structures lead by similar female main characters, the mc is headstrong, morally just and willing to die for the cause. Ruying is none of the above, nor is she a morally grey unstoppable girl boss you love to root for. Instead Ruying is a naive 19 year old traumatised by living under a colonial occupation who is mostly just trying to survive and above all else looks out for short term security for her and her family. I want to give Molly X Chang props for writing such a consistent character and sticking to it.
Giving the previous Fantasy frame of reference I mentioned, it is easy to misinterpreted this book. Instead of stone cold manipulation, you'll see a contextually weird romance. Instead of seeing a young girl making bad decisions (which are called out by the narrative at every turn) you'll think that this author's stance is: both sides of the conflict are bad. I feel like a lot of the negative reviews are based on this which I feel this book does not deserve.
The world is extremely interesting, the political intrigue is strong. The magic vs science aspect is done very well!
But oh boy, does this book have pacing issues. You can definitely tell this is a debut. I hope pacing is a skill that Molly X Chang will develop further. The plot kind off happened to Ruying without her having much to do with it. I dont think I agree with Chang's choices of what should be shone on page and what should just be mentioned. There is a weird 6 month time skip in which a lot of character development supposedly happened which I personally would rather be sown than told. The last 100 pages honestly should've been the major bulk of the book and be stretched out way more. The other 240 pages could've been condensed way more as there are no major plot beats or character arcs. The book sets up its sequel at the end, but therefore ends right as Ruying finally comes to the conclusion any rational person (and every side character) made on page one: occupational colonialism is bad. I wish it didn't end there it felt very anticlimactic. All in all, the book felt more like a pilot episode. I'm hopeful for book 2 though.
It's a fun quick read and it does what it set out to do reall well. I like the narrative of a space alien not understanding human society, especially gender and sexuality in order to criticise said social norms a lot. Sometimes however, i felt like the author kind off forgot the plot and just inserted their society critical rants, this could've been made a bit more plot relevant sometimes.
Compliments for the translator who did a really good job. At some point the type face changes (iykyk) and they found a great solution translating the Koreon alphabet to the Latin one but keeping a similar effect.