rosamelia_sanchez's reviews
60 reviews

Twisted by Andrea Kane

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I enjoyed reading this book, it made me think and comprehend what's going on inside the head of someone who's completely losing their mind.
Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

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It took me so long to finish Hush Hush, let’s be real, Nora is not the smartest character and she made me roll my eyes more than once, but I decided to give the series a second chance and after I started reading Crescendo there was no going back, silence was enough for me to develop a strong connection with the characters, Nora made some poor decisions throughout the book but it’s Nora we’re talking about, also Patch’s personality changed a lot, he went from being cold but showing he cares when it was necessary to being completely soft, this is not necessarily bad but this changes were too drastic, making me feel like I was reading about a complete different character. This being said, I have to admit I absolutely love Patch and Nora’s story, I’m also starting to really like Scott, and the thought of finishing the series scares me. I just love this story so much.