rosebudreading's reviews
360 reviews

The Orc Blacksmith's Bride by K.L. Wyatt

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This is the second in a series of standalones. I haven’t read the other but there are some brief moments where old characters show up in this one. I don’t think it’s necessary to read them in order. I do plan on going back to read book 1 eventually.
The story was a super quick read, that I was able to finish in one sitting. The characters fell for each other very quickly. I think there was a really good balance of plot to romance/spice. The plot was very straight forward. I thought they had cute chemistry with each other. The spice was interesting to read once it started in the 2nd half. 
I probably would have liked this more if we had more time with each of the characters. Neither felt super distinct in their characterization. There wasn’t anything wrong with either of them, just nothing that made them stand out in my head. 
Overall this was a fun read, good palate cleanser in between longer books. I’m definitely interested in reading more from this author.
Velocity by Dean Koontz

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This was my first book by this author.  I found the concept pretty interesting. There was a little bit of issue I had with the pacing. Some moments were a little slow for my liking especially after the start that threw you into it right away. 
There were some very graphic gore descriptions while reading. This didn’t particularly bother me, just wanted to mention it in the review.  I didn’t like reading at night, or while I was eating. 
The book is told from the PoV of Billy. He wasn’t the most likable character. Putting myself in his shoes I don’t necessarily blame him. The book puts him in a lot of extremely stressful situations. The author did a good job of building the tension throughout the story. While it was predictable in some ways, there still managed to be things that surprised me in the end. 
Overall this was a decent read. I definitely would check out this authors other writing. 
Horror Movie: A Novel by Paul Tremblay

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The concept for this book was really fun. I found the story intriguing during some parts. The author did a fantastic job building up the atmosphere. He didn’t shy away from the gore and violence. There were a couple of moments that had me physically cringing while reading. 
One of the issues I had while reading was that I found it a bit hard to follow. The timeline jumped around a lot. It was hard to know at times if we were in the present, past, and dialogue from the original movie script. I had to read a couple lines to get the context clues to figure out the timeline. Some of the formatting inside of the book with the lines of dialogue from the film was a little bit weird but I chalked that up to having an ARC copy. 
There was some level of predictability with the book, but I think that’s just kind of the nature of the story. There were some aspects that still managed to surprise me in the end. I didn’t really feel a connection with any of the characters. The author just managed to keep me hooked enough to want to find out what happened with each of them. 
This one had aspects I liked, and others that I didn’t. I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to recommend this one. It ended up very Mid for me. I do want to check out this authors other works because I did enjoy his writing style. This just wasn’t the one for me! 
The Inadequate Heir by Danielle L. Jensen

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The events of this book took place at the same time as the events in book 2 of the series. This book follows a different set of main characters. There were only a couple of instances where we saw the same scene (from a different prospective) so it didn’t feel redundant. It did an amazing job of shedding light on insights we didn’t know before. 
I think I actually the main characters of this book better than the first 2 books. It was still nice to see some snippets of Lara & Aren. Keris & Zarrah have such amazing chemistry with each other. I am really nervous about how it’s going to end up for the two of them. 
I’ve enjoying getting to see some new places in the world we didn’t really get a chance to explore, or we only briefly saw it in the previous books. The world building feels really nice. 
I also really appreciated the politics of the world. It creates such an interesting dynamic between all of the characters/countries. 
This book did a great job of setting up where the story is going to be going in book 4. I’m excited to see where this journey will take us because the way this book ended I’m nervous! Can’t wait for book 4
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot

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This story dives into many different aspects such as Henrietta’s life, her families lives, the advancements, and talks about the ethics of using someone’s cells. I felt like the author did a good job of presenting the information in a way that it was easy to process for someone with 0 prior knowledge. However, there were some moments that it felt a little bit slow paced and I needed to push myself to keep going. Overall the topic was interesting, there were just some aspects I cared about learning more about than others. 
For example she went into great detail, about the trouble she went through even getting Henrietta’s Family to trust/speak with her. Some of those moments could have been a little bit more concise. I loved that she was so patient with them because Henrietta’s Story should be told. 
Some of my favorite aspects of the story was the discussion of the ethics and patient consent. Should patients get a cut of the profit if their cells are used for scientific advancement? It was incredibly interesting.
Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana

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I kept going back and forth on if I should give this 2.5 or 3 stars. I enjoyed some aspects of this book, and I didn’t hate my time reading it. There were just several aspects that ruined the story for me. 
The idea was so intriguing. The execution was just an absolute mess. There were multiple pacing issues but the main one for me was that there were many sections that droned on and on setting things up. Then the scene happened,  and after we had pages and pages of reflection about what just happened, and replaying it for us.  
There is a little love triangle that was getting set up within this story. Lore didn’t really have any chemistry with either of them. There was honestly not a lot of setup with either relationship. Both men seemed indifferent to her until randomly they decided to like her. 
Then there were some “reveals” that were extremely predictable. Then there was one that felt like it came out of nowhere. Not in a good way, I feel like it would have been more impactful if it was written different leading up to the reveal. 
In general the themes of the book felt geared towards a younger audience. It definitely could have been YA if it wasn’t for the one little bit spicy scene. Overall I would check out this authors other work in the future but I probably won’t be finishing this series even with the cliffhanger at the end making me curious. 
Master of Crows by Grace Draven

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I picked this up after getting sent it in a book box. I wrongly assumed that I was released within the last few years. While reading I kept thinking to myself that writing style felt a little dated. Lo and behold it was published in 2009. It wasn’t a bad thing. Just some of the words and phrases are things you don’t read often these days. 
Overall I really enjoyed the romance. I liked the slow burn vibes throughout the story. I was a little unsure how I would ultimately feel about the romance because the male main character kept being pretty rude about the female main characters looks at the beginning of the story. I think the author was Trying to portray that she was plain and unassuming besides her voice. By the end he had won me over and I was rooting for their relationship. There were a few spicy scenes throughout the second half of the book. Just a couple few cringy moments, where the author used words like “cunnus” to describe her female bits. The rest of the description was well done. 
The side characters of the story were interesting as well. My particular favorite was Gern. The side characters and the Villians of the story felt well fleshed out for the most part. 
I also liked the world building. The world was easy to picture, and had the perfect  dark vibe that fit the story and world. I wish the magic was a little more clearly explained. Overall though I thought it was well written. 
I would read other books from this author. 
How To Bite Your Neighbor & Win A Wager by D.N. Bryn

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When I came across this M/M vampire/human romance I knew I had to pick it up. I have been really enjoying all of the vampire romances lately, and this was no exception. 
Let’s start with the world building. I think this was well done part of the story. The lore of the vampires was well explained. The world was easy to picture. The only thing I would have loved to see more of is more about why the people who have the lab are doing what they are doing. This was an interesting part of the world, and the overall plot. I just wanted more insights to all of that. 
There was a good balance of plot to romance. I really enjoyed how the plot of the two characters ended up being intertwined together. There were some twists and turns throughout the story. Some that I was able to predict and some that I wasn’t. 
Their romance was a little bit fast paced, but honestly I didn’t really mind it. I liked the chemistry between the characters. There were some moments where they got on my nerves a little with not being honest with their feelings and their intentions. I know that’s important part of the story and shows the growth of the characters. There were just a few moments I was yelling at them to come out with it already. 
Overall super fun story, quick read with a little bit of fun spice! I definitely would read other books from this author in the future. 
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow

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My final review of this book is 3.5 stars. I did ultimately enjoy the story the book was trying to tell. The first half of  the story really hard to get into. I didn’t find myself super drawn to any of the characters. I also found the story quite slow paced. 
In the end, I really enjoyed about the story was how everything ended up woven together in the end. There ended up being a few twists that surprised me when they were revealed. 
I also really liked the sense of adventure during the second half of the book. This is when I actually started getting into the story. The action picked up, and we actually got to feel the magic of the world, and got a better sense of what the characters were about. 
I felt like the characters were just very surface level in a lot of ways. A lot of the information we learned about them was mostly because it helped the plot in some way. I just wanted a little more depth. We got to see more of them shining as the book went on, I just found it a little lacking. 
Overall this was a really fun concept for a book. There were some aspects I really enjoyed, and others I think could be improved. I still enjoyed my time reading this by the end and would check out another from the author.