samflowerv6's reviews
403 reviews

Cowboy & Octopus by Lane Smith, Jon Scieszka

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Did not finish book.
not as funny as i thought it would be 
Imagine That: A Hoot & Olive Story by Jonathan D. Voss

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Did not finish book.
a bit too wordy for story time
A Big Mooncake for Little Star by Grace Lin

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a cute story about a girl who snacks on the mooncake every night which shows the moon cycles. I don't know which story time it would be for but he wording amount works
You Matter by Christian Robinson

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super cute, only a few words per page about how everything matters. I am thinking this would be good for story time
Safe Crossing by Kari Percival

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Did not finish book.
so cute!! but too wordy for story time
A Friend Like You by Frank Murphy, Charnaie Gordon, Kayla Harren

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Did not finish book.
super cute but too wordy for storytime
Clever Crow by Chris Butterworth

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It's alright, I like how smart they are but it keeps saying they aren't nice to look at. i love crows! i am not sure id use this for any storytimes
Thank You, Omu! by Oge Mora

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Did not finish book.
super cute but too wordy for story time
Lobstah Gahden by Alli Brydon

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funny quick book about pollution in the oceans with built in accents and fun for story time. 
Bats at the Library by Brian Lies

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good book for a library storytime, nocturnal, or things with wings. not too much text