saramdeuri's reviews
214 reviews

Saha by Cho Nam-joo

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well... it's alright. very slow-going until the last twenty or so pages, which is a pity - the action part is engaging, but the rest of it is... slightly same-same. would probably be better if the slow paced introspective character history bits were interspersed with the action, would've made for a more intriguing mystery also.

I agree with other reviews that say that this book is trying to tackle too many issues at once. societal injustice in a strongly capitalist country is a very, very large issue to touch on, and it's enough without also going through misogyny, crime, police brutality... I understand that all these issues are packed in the same circles, to be honest, but it's not exactly wise to tackle them all in a book of this comparatively paltry size. 

it does feel a little like the author is just pointing these issues out, and doing nothing more, like with Kim Jiyoung. I don't think this is enough, though; everyone who reads this will know what the issues in modern Korean/capitalist societies are. they're not looking for clarification anymore. I wish Cho Namjoo would delve a little more into these issues, if it's what she's passionate about.

the translation was better than Kim Jiyoung's.
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland

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such a wonderfully intricate, lively world that the author created! genuinely intriguing to explore. the politics part of it was convincing, and the romance was engaging. the two main characters didn't seem to have been written entirely around each other, instead felt like their own real selves, so it felt just that bit more real to me.
the religion was especially lovely, actually! didn't seem like a blatant rip-off of any real religions. 
전지적 독자 시점 by 싱숑

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 26%.
Boys Run the Riot, Volume 3 by Keito Gaku

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always interesting to see gender discussion from east asia! 
Thousand Autumns [千秋] by 梦溪石

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Qian Qiu is more of a series of philosophical questions than it is a danmei, although it forgoes giving you a set answer to any of those. instead, it finally asks, "wouldn't it be so hot if good and evil kissed each other sloppy style?", and yeah. it is

jokes aside, QQ was a pretty fun read! I went into this thinking it'd be more danmei than anything else, but actually it's about 80% political intrigue and philosophising. it was still entertaining though! even if, I admit, I could barely remember the full pantheon of characters (watching the donghua alongside it helped a little in this case, my poor little brain-eye cannot imagine that many faces in such quick succession) it was still quite satisfying to have them all congregate at the end for the final, explosive scenes. quite a well-crafted plot too. and so so wonderful to finally see some competent, capable women in BL who aren't just there to invite jealousy/envy, and even acknowledgement of sexism in the wuxia/jianghu genre! Bai Rong I hope all is well for you. speaking of - the characterisation is very well done for the main set especially! Yan Wushi was a given favourite for me (sucker for evil old men) but I didn't expect to end up favouring Shen Qiao this much. the author does such a good job at making his inner voice complex. other reviews have written about this better than I could, take a look! 

most of the danmei does occur in the extras, but boy is it sweet when it does. the little sprinkles we get across the main plot did give me those thrills of pleasure, too, even if most of the tension was "are they gonna fight about their morals or what?". when they do finally kiss though... oh boy, my poor fujo heart. I wish them their thousand autumns of love, joy, and passion.
the little extra about old Yan Wushi waiting for Shen Qiao with a drink he kept warm with his qi was extra sweet <3
Banned Book Club by Kim Hyun Sook, Ryan Estrada

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a greatly important account of what it was like on the ground during the student protests in the 80s in Korea - and not just Seoul. translated well. the illustrations are pretty good too! incredibly heartwarming to see queer rep too. many more popular accounts tend to lack that sort of rep, and I'm very sure the queer community was actively participating in these protests.

my only issue with this was just how on the nose the final chapter was... I understand the idea of what they wanted to do but it felt so rushed and crammed in it's pages that it just lacked the impact it should've had. still, I'd recommend this to anyone who has any interest in Korea at all, both north and south. fuck the fascists 💜
If You Have a Crush on Dokgo SOM by Jin Hee Heo

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너무 너무 귀여운 이야기였음 ^^ 인물이 살아 있는 듯했음. 나도 독고솜에게 반했다 ㅋㅋ 
Made in Abyss Vol. 1 by Akihito Tsukushi

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the world building in this is insanely detailed and well-thought through. it's such an immersive piece and yet... I can't give it any more because it's so uncomfortable to get ripped back out the world every 15 pages cause the author insists on putting 12yo children in sexualising and humiliating situations that simply do not have to be there. it's actually to the wonderful story's detriment. I don't think I can bear reading any more, which is a great shame considering just how amazing the world is. really incomprehensible.
Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-joo

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i can see why this book started the new wave of feminism in South Korea, although by now I feel we need another one, as things have changed perhaps more depressingly. I do still think Korea needs work on their feminist movement but it's difficult to do anything in the climate they're in.

I wish there was a little bit more exploration of the supernatural element though, not just because I like sci-fi and imaginative concepts like these, but because it had the potential to leave space for discussing Jiyoungs (and everyone's) complaints with Korean society re: misogyny in more depth. it would've been so interesting to see what more the husband would do, if he would realise the error of his ways, or how her own family would react. I understand that this isn't what the book is aiming for though. it wants to bring women's distressing reality to light, which it did in a very frank and comprehensible way.

I'm not sure if it was due to the way the source text was written but the translation did feel a little dry at points in which it maybe could have been more poignant, but the final few lines hit incredibly hard because of that tone, so good work overall. 
Willow Love Story 버드나무 로맨스 Willow Romance by NOT A BOOK

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they ate up Romeo and Juliet actually. but
WHY did prince reok get Mr Han and his illegitimate son fucking tortured in prison ??? you know if that gets revealed you're more than just fucked in the ass right ???
otherwise a decent story, just a little frustrating because of how long sangyul was pathetic for. I get that he was a lab rat for 15 years or so but damn he could've changed a bit. still love u though miss moscareto <3