saw_knee's reviews
183 reviews

Bloody Heart by Sophie Lark

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Surprisingly, I enjoyed this installment of the Brutal Birthright Series. It was interesting to truly meet Dante’s character, besides just being a hulking presence in the Gallo household. I also thought Simone was a good female lead. I liked that the book started years ago, and then just cut to the “present” instead of mixing the flashbacks with the plot. For a second chance romance, I really enjoyed it. I even was into the secret baby plot… and don’t get me starting on my own breeding kink lmao. Not gonna lie though, the spice was not really for me. I don’t have a good mental image for Dante beyond just boxy obscenely large brutish man, and ehh that doesn’t do it for me. Plus, I think some of the 🌶 scenes were of dubious consent. I would’ve liked to see more communication between Simone and Dante before he felt the need to dominate her or punish her or whatever. Also, miscommunication trope isn’t my thing. Like JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER! The whodunnit assassin plot was fun, but the payoff was a little thin..
Some guy was targeting Callum because he was competitive with Dante. Like Dante and Callum weren’t ever that close.
I loved meeting Raylan and seeing Dante and Riona’s friendship. 
Savage Lover by Sophie Lark

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Ya know, for really not being into cars (at all) I really enjoyed this installment of the Brutal Birthright series. I like how the Chicago underground setting continues to develop and captivate. I really enjoyed the classic heist plot and even the shady police officer that made Camille be an informant. I do hope that maybe we see more repercussions of stealing from the Alliance Bank vault, and would love to see more of Vic (Camille’s 17 year old half-bro) too. Nero was always an intriguing shadow in the other books and getting to finally know him was lovely. I also liked how he saw Camille as more than a “grease monkey” when no one else did. Also, I hope Camille finds her place in the Gallo family as the badass woman she is. 

One negative to this book: I would’ve liked to see Mikolaj and Nessa make a cameo here. Honestly the more Miko content, the better. Similarly, I’ll be looking for more Nero/Camille content in the next books. Callum and Aida continue to be main characters and frankly, I just don’t love them that much. 
Stolen Heir by Sophie Lark

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Enjoyed this installment MUCH more than the first one. Although Nessa’s lithe, small-breasted, ballerina body was unrelatable, I liked her and Mikolaj’s slow burn of a romance. The Beauty and the Beast retelling was not subtle, and at times it was a little cheesy, but I still ate it up. I loved how emotive dancing was to both Miko and Nessa. The dance descriptions were great. I liked the side characters (Klara especially) and the setting of that creepy old mansion. I also liked how Sophie Lark threaded the line of the Gallo’s and Griffin’s (last book’s protagonists) being the villains in this story without actually having to kill any of them. This one was full of well placed angst and pining and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 
Brutal Prince by Sophie Lark

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Reading the Brutal Birthright books, before diving into Lark’s Kingmaker series (which I’ve heard a lot of good about). My expectations were medium-low, I just wanted a fun sexy mafia romance. I do feel like both the plot and romance of this book was lacking — the plot wasn’t as fleshed out as I would’ve liked, the climax and conclusion wrapped up way too neatly and quickly. The romance was fun, but the spicy scenes didn’t always make emotional sense and frankly the enemies to lovers switch was pretty abrupt. 

I did like the initial world-building of the Chicago mafia underworld. And there is clearly a lot of potential with these characters and this setting. I’ll definitely keep reading, but I don’t think Callum and Aida will be super memorable to me.  
The Risk by Elle Kennedy

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It took me awhile to get through this one, mostly because I went on vacation and also was trying to pace myself because I loved the premise of coach’s daughter/ rival captain. Almost immediately, I knew this one was going to be one of my favs from the whole Briar U/Off Campus series. I really liked Brenna’s more edgy, confident, independent personality. She is probably my favorite girl of the series, so far. And OMG Jake Connelly!!! 🥵 His confident demeanor, good guy BDE was intoxicating! And I loved the way he so openly simped (but not really simped, just owned up to his feelings) for Brenna. He knew he wanted her and chose to pursue that regardless of societal pressure and what his friends/team thought of the situation.
He never let anyone really badmouth Brenna, which is so important! Even during the drama, it wasn’t someone else that really made Jake break up with Brenna, it was his own anxiety, which he ultimately admitted to and worked through. I mean, maybe Hazel could’ve been a better friend — I hated that she had feelings for Jake, but we all saw that coming. She was trying to play the long game, but that’s not how life works. I do hope she is able to really get closure, even if her and Jake stay friends.

I can’t say right now if Jake beats out Garrett for #1 man of the series. Garret’s been the LOML for like 2 years, so we have history 🤡😅. I need to let Jake stew around a bit more before I’m ready to call it one way or the other. Right now, Garrett still has the edge, but it’s very close. I guess I just have a thing for captains/superstars… 🙄
Make Me Yours by Melanie Harlow

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Was interested in the accidental sext plot. Enjoyed that moment, but overall the story was just a little too heteronormative white middle class suburbia for me. The female mc was constantly fat shaming herself, and the male mc refused to go to therapy because that’s “not how men deal with their emotions.” I guess it was nice to see a male struggle with mental health and ultimately take the right steps toward helping himself, but idk I wasn’t super invested into it all. And the spice got very boring after the first couple interactions. 
The Chase by Elle Kennedy

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I adore the Briar U universe and it was great being back with in Hastings with the team. The cameos of the Off Campus boys were great! As for Fitz and Summer, there was a lot to love. The forced roommates trope, the mutual pining, lots of light fun jealousy. I guess Summer’s character wasn’t super relatable to me, and while originally I thought she was an entitled princess (maybe I’m more of a Nora) after finishing the book, I definitely would want to be her friend. As for Fitz, he is cute and shy and a littler nerdy. I liked how Summer and Fitz were like opposites attract. But again, he just fully isn’t my type. For that reason, this isn’t my favorite Brain U pairing, but I’m still glad to have read it. 

I’m sooooo hyped to see Brenna get with Mr. Harvard and omg I hope Hunter gets a girl that really gives him a run for his money! 

Also, the way Fitz is such a O tease to Summer was hot af. 
Fated Throne by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti

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This one was hard to read, but I’m so invested in the complex story, the beautiful fantasy world (Solaria), and the incredibly complicated characters that I never wanted to stop reading the series. I just had to stop and put this one down a few times to really digest the plot twists and road bumps. It was heavy, and often felt pretty hopeless. Almost predictably hopeless, but once I just gave into the angst I still was able to enjoy the ride. The “Spares” were a fun addition to the main characters - and I see potential for more spin offs. Xavier has been a favorite since we met him and I definitely can’t wait for him to get with Sofia, but some of the Pegasus kinkiness was too cringe. (But hey, to each their own). Darius and Caleb are my favorite Heirs. Lance and Darcy were consistently frustrating in this installment. Slightly too much self-pity and “forever-ism”. Max and Seth had great character development; we love to see Geraldine being a badass queen. Next one should be even heavier, might need to take a break before I dive right in. Especially knowing that book 8 isn’t out until December. (The ToryxDarius defy the stars moment 🤩🥵) (Also, all the threesome moments 👀 I’m not mad) (Caleb and Seth need to make out already gawd.)
The Big A.S.S. Party by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti

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A fun novella, but sometimes Geraldine’s dialogue was just too much for me. Here for Max’s transition to full simp. It also was a nice see more about the Heirs getting supportive of the twins.  Also, Darius giving Tory a rose quartz charm!!!! Cute cute, I hope we see the bracelet in future books.