sclark99's reviews
436 reviews

The Dutch House by Ann Patchett

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Unfortunately, Tom Hanks is not a very good audiobook narrator. Weird pacing issues. As for the book itself... it was really hard to care that much about the narrator. He was just kind of an asshole. I guess that's part of the point, but it made the book that much less interesting. I'm not interesting in boring men who are sort of dicks.
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
It's just by turns incredibly boring and laden with crappy tropes. 
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson

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I might have liked this better if I hadn't read other Sanderson before. Lately it feels like everything I read from him makes me like him less. He really struggles with making MCs distinct from one another. Painter and Yumi are aspects of tropes he uses pretty much constantly, and it was really distracting from a sort of cool world.
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

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Really only the first part of the book was helpful to me. It got a little preachy and a little pretentious in the later chapters. I'd be interested in reading more about the subject from a different author. The concepts in habit formation and change are very compelling, and I hope to actually apply some of them to my own life.
Night of the Mannequins by Stephen Graham Jones

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Damn SGJ really loves drive in movies 😂 pretty entertaining, and exactly the right length. Doesn’t have the emotional heft of Men Women and Chainsaws, but it’s solid. 
The Sunlit Man by Brandon Sanderson

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Some really lovely character moments, and as ever, a fun schtick for the planet. But it really felt like I had missed an entire book or something. It's different when you're working with a full cast of new characters, but we at least kind of know Nomad, and it was disconcerting to have this whole extremely important part of his history be in the dark. At first I thought I should have read Dawnshard first, but that's not what Dawnshard is about so I'm just kind of unsatisfied.