sinogaze's reviews
131 reviews

Trans Girl Suicide Museum by Hannah Baer

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i think i don’t particularly enjoy this style of writing and i think i have a hard time understanding what hannah is saying to make herself feel good and what is actually vulnerable but interesting and thoughtful and i like the metaphor of a museum
The History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction by Michel Foucault

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interesting ideas of truth and confession— what value we place on the “truth” and the idea of sex as a secret and as a subconscious….
Golden Son by Pierce Brown

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it doesn’t get better it gets worse (mindless self indulgence)
The Republic by Plato

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he’s such a crazy girl but i lovveee book 10 
Ramblings of a Wannabe Painter by Paul Gauguin

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freakish vibes it was interesting though
Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard

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frantic and sometimes lowkey self indulgent and strange with its reasoning but very apt for our times
The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim

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really fun to read gorgeous sumptuous descriptions hilarious characters very dull and insipid plot 
American Paradise: The World of the Hudson River School by John K. Howat

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actually very thought provoking. making me think really hard about the american landscape, the garden of eden, and also what that means in context of america being a settler colonial state. like really fascinating because all contemporary landscape painting in America is forcibly and forever in dialogue with the “first” “native” school of painting and the stealing of the land. really makes you think. like that it included one singular poc artist but that’s actually a super interesting thread i want to research. good jumping off point shoutout to jasper cropsey for gettig me here
Females by Andrea Long Chu

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epic. we are all forced to be women