snowbenton's reviews
3317 reviews

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

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Brandon Sanderson disappoints me for the second and final time.

Only one female character, and she's a brat.
No character development or personal history in a 640 page book.
How do you make a heist boring?

Medieval Outlaws: Twelve Tales in Modern English Translation by

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
An old book from a college class on Robin Hood that isn't super readable.
Jade City by Fonda Lee

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 8%.
Giving up at 8%. It wasn't a bad book, just not for me. If I'm going to read a mob story I require banter and hijinks and this book does not appear to know the definition of either of those words.
Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher

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A fairy tale, a romance, a series of increasingly horrific events. I don't want to go to this world, but I would absolutely hang out with the dust-wife and her demon chicken.
The Lord Sorcier by Olivia Atwater

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Bonus section to the audiobook of Half A Soul.
Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater

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Dull, self-righteous protagonist and mediocre prose.
The Deep by Alma Katsu

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 13%.
Me: Have you read anything by Alma Katsu?
My sister: Yeah, she wrote that book about the Donner party that was so boring. How do you even make a book about the Donner party boring?
Me: I started one that's supposed to be a horror novel but so far it is just so boring. I don't even know if I want to finish it.
My sister: I wouldn't. *shrug*

And I believe her. Abandoned at 13% after reading the Wikipedia plot synopsis and I have no regrets.