sofiadeanda's reviews
173 reviews

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

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The book was okay. I liked the story idea, but I am not sure I loved the characters. The main characters are 17year olds and You can definitely tell throughout the plot. They seem a bit immature. Rose and Lissa are supposed to be the best friends ever and Rose is extremely attached to Lissa and concerned for her well-being, but I just don't see the friendship in them. I don't see what it is that makes them best friends. Throughout the book they keep repeating over and over how close they are but I feel like they just never show it. Overall though, there is a good plot twist and the story line is good. Maybe the next one of this series will be better.
Wild by Cheryl Strayed

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I aboslutely lovedddd this book! The beginning was a bit slow, but then it gets good and honestly this had me hooked. I really felt like doing the PCT while I read this book and I think the thought of it being a real story made it all way way better than it already is. Honestly a life changing book, I could really feel a change in my persona as Strayed did her PCT. would definitely recommend this to everyone.